When was the person who Fever Need to Doctor?

When was the person who Fever Need to Doctor?

The common cold often causes fever may disappear within a week or two weeks. But if the flu symptoms persist or worsen, then maybe someone needs to see a doctor. Flu is a highly contagious viral infection of the nose and throat.

The common cold is accompanied by symptoms, including nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, mild fever and headache. All of these symptoms can usually disappear within 14 days, with or without treatment.

If fever or flu lasts longer than two weeks or relapse may the condition is an allergy, sinusitis, or other secondary infections.

"Fever is a symptom that is quite important. Flu usually associated with fever. Adults with a fever of 102 degrees F (39 degrees C) or higher and children with a fever 103 degrees F (39.5 degrees C) and higher, must to the doctor, "said Dr. Norman Edelman, chief medical officer for the American Lung Association.

"If the baby is younger than 3 months and has a fever over 100 degrees F (37.8 degrees C) should be immediately taken to the doctor," said Dr. Carlos Lerner, a pediatrician at Mattel Children's Hospital at the University of California, Los Angeles ,

Flu and fever can weaken the immune system and makes it vulnerable to health problems ranging from ear infections, sinus infections, strep throat, bronchitis and pneumonia. Headache, fever and sinus pain may indicate a sinus infection that requires treatment.

"If you have symptoms such as sharp pain in the chest, cough with colored sputum, fever or shortness of breath may be a sign of pneumonia and should see a doctor immediately. If symptoms come quickly, it should immediately seek medical treatment," said Dr. Ross said.

When you think about people who experience hay fever symptoms need to see a doctor?

The following guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians regarding fever and flu symptoms that need to be considered as quoted from everydayhealth, among others:

In children:

1. High fever, or fever lasting more than 3 days
2. Symptoms that last for more than 10 days
3. Difficulty in breathing, rapid breathing or wheezing
4. bluish skin color
5. Earache
6. Changes in mental state, such as irritability or seizures
7. flu-like symptoms improve, but recur with fever and worse cough
8. The worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease

In adults:

1. prolonged high fever
2. Symptoms that last for more than 10 days or worse
3. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
4. Pain or pressure in the chest
5. Fainting or feeling faint
6. Confusion or disorientation
7. Severe or persistent vomiting
8. Severe pain in the face or forehead
9. hoarseness, sore throat or cough that will not disappear after 10 days.

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