rheumatic diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis (RA) not only have an impact on bone and joint pain. In women, the disease can also affect the reproductive system so that the opportunity to have offspring also becomes smaller.
Compared to other types of arthritis, RA most commonly found in women. The disease is triggered by an autoimmune disorder, so that the immune system should fight bacteria instead attack the body's own tissues, especially the joints.
In addition to RA, other autoimmune disorders are more common in women than men are systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or lupus
often abbreviated. Just like RA, lupus also occur as a result of an overactive immune system then attacks the body itself.
According to recent research, both autoimmune diseases could also affect the reproductive system. It is not known exactly why but suspected both increase the risk of miscarriage and infertility so that infected more difficult to have children.
The assumption is evidenced by a study published in the journal Arthritis Care & Research recently. The study involved 1,017 women, including 578 people are living with RA and 114 people with lupus.
The results showed, 55 percent of patients with RA and 64 percent of patients with lupus have fewer children than planned. In addition, the fertility rate in patients was observed 1.5 times lower than that of other women.
"Our study emphasizes the need memperhatian reproductive health in women with RA and lupus. Further research needs to be done to determine the cause of infertility in patients," said one of the researchers, Megan Clowse, MD was quoted as saying Medindia
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