Officer post office in Pennsylvania, the United States was shocked by the discovery of two dead rattlesnake in the package they received at the beginning of this month.
Through the records, the packet is sent from the Philippines to the post office Beaver territory. Sender claim package containing T-shirts, as reported Beaver County Times.
According to Captain Thomas Christ of Fisheries and marine Pennsylvania commission, clerk of conservation opened the package and
found two vipers already dead.
Reporting from The Guardian, vipers looking for prey and hiding places with heat detection. According to reports there are more than 150 types of vipers in the world.
The clerk did not disclose the type of vipers found in the package from the Philippines, but they say the animals legless reptiles and long-bodied still alive when put into the box.
According to Christ, a number of snakes found at the address contained in postal parcels. However, he did not give an explanation after getting kirimannya package recipient. Officers of fisheries and wildlife is now doing further investigation on this matter.
Send snakes by post is a crime and particularly in Pennsylvania, purchase snakes can only be done by those with permission, said Henry Kacprzyk, curator of reptiles at the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium.
Kacprzyk, also said carrying exotic snakes from other countries is dangerous, because the hospitals in the United States has only bidder can commonly be found in the country.
"Those who bear the risk itself," said Kacprzyk.
"If pegged, they think they can come to the hospital for bidders, but generally not as easy as that.
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