This was stated by an expert on the Maya, Pruden Rice.
According to rice, the ceremony lasted about 500 years ago in Guatemala, in a temple on the site Zacpeten. In the ritual, the person's body dissected - the possibility of opening the ears, tongue, or genitals - with an arrow made of obsidian (volcanic glass), and their blood was spilled.
Trust Mayans said, every human being has the "force of life" and the ritual shedding of blood to feed the gods.
"The general consensus stated aims ritual shedding of blood 'feed' the gods with human core life force," said Prudence Rice, a retired professor from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale in Live Science,
"This practice is serving life for future generations and connect them to the tenagakehidupan ancestors. Whoever sheds the blood of the possibility of doing on a deal and they survive," according to Rice.
"It is known to the Maya also participated in the ritual shedding of blood at birth or part of the ceremony welcoming maturity," said Nathan Meissnes, a researcher at the Center for Archaeological Investigations at Southern Illinois University.
Bloody invention
Ceremony force of life is one of the many findings of the study were published recently. Compiled by Meissner and Rice and published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, to study, they surveyed 108 heads of arrows from five sites in central areas of Peten,
Guatemala. Each site has been excavated in the last 20 years and recorded arrows dating from between 1400 to 1700.
Using a technique called counter-immunoelectrophoresis, they were able to detect the blood of ancient relics in 25 darts and identify the blood of any creature came from. Two of the whole human blood.
While more of a variety of animals such as rodents, birds, rabbits, and big cats.
In the laboratory procedures, protein is separated from the darts and tests done to see if the protein will react to serum antibodies that hangs from a variety of animals. If the reaction occurs, meaning that the protein of darts likely originated from animals that the antibody used in the tests.
"This technique is often used in the past decade. However it has some shortcomings, such as lack of affordable costs, potential polluted, and the level of accuracy." Meissner said.
Often, the protein substance of the ancient era did not last, and the reaction is difficult for the scientists examined the exact species. For example, although the research team was able to recognize that the blood in the four arrows derived from rodents, they could not identify what kind of rodents.
Victims of War?
In the study, the research team found two of the arrows covered with human blood. Arrows both with human blood was found in the house near the old fortification wall in Zacpeten. Damage in arrows indicate that the human head.
Researchers are not absolutely sure of the story behind the arrows. An individual who was injured (possibly someone who protects sites) might be brought into the house, where the arrow is revoked.
"There are some cases of the Maya people suffered injuries from arrows. That could mean they pierce the skin of a person living. Alternatively, darts stuck in a person in a small battle and arrows reused. The arrow can be drawn from the war and was taken back to settlement . This causes the ends removed, "said Meissner.
The project was funded by the National Science Foundation and supported by the Instituto de Antropologia e Historia de Guatemala. Labnoratorium analysis conducted at the Laboratory of Archaeological Science at the University of California, Bakersfield.
Using a technique called counter-immunoelectrophoresis, they were able to detect the blood of ancient relics in 25 darts and identify the blood of any creature came from. Two of the whole human blood.
While more of a variety of animals such as rodents, birds, rabbits, and big cats.
In the laboratory procedures, protein is separated from the darts and tests done to see if the protein will react to serum antibodies that hangs from a variety of animals. If the reaction occurs, meaning that the protein of darts likely originated from animals that the antibody used in the tests.
"This technique is often used in the past decade. However it has some shortcomings, such as lack of affordable costs, potential polluted, and the level of accuracy." Meissner said.
Often, the protein substance of the ancient era did not last, and the reaction is difficult for the scientists examined the exact species. For example, although the research team was able to recognize that the blood in the four arrows derived from rodents, they could not identify what kind of rodents.
Victims of War?
In the study, the research team found two of the arrows covered with human blood. Arrows both with human blood was found in the house near the old fortification wall in Zacpeten. Damage in arrows indicate that the human head.
Researchers are not absolutely sure of the story behind the arrows. An individual who was injured (possibly someone who protects sites) might be brought into the house, where the arrow is revoked.
"There are some cases of the Maya people suffered injuries from arrows. That could mean they pierce the skin of a person living. Alternatively, darts stuck in a person in a small battle and arrows reused. The arrow can be drawn from the war and was taken back to settlement . This causes the ends removed, "said Meissner.
The project was funded by the National Science Foundation and supported by the Instituto de Antropologia e Historia de Guatemala. Labnoratorium analysis conducted at the Laboratory of Archaeological Science at the University of California, Bakersfield.
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