In general, drowsiness is a signal from the brain indicating that the body needs to be rested. But not always the case, sometimes sleepiness can be triggered by things such as unexpected side effects of drugs or concussion.
Some of the causes of excessive sleepiness include the following, as quoted by The Sun,
1. Lack of sleep
The main problem that causes people always drowsiness is sleep deprivation, either because it is a lot of work or for other reasons. Stress can also cause insomnia at night and are sleepy during the day, as well as various health problems such as frequent urinate, acid reflux and chest pain.
2. The haphazardly sleeping habits
Humans have cycles that regulate when to be sleepy and when to be awake. This cycle can be disrupted by sleep habits haphazard or unplanned, a good time, place and atmosphere. Examples asleep while watching TV or while lying on the couch.
3. Snoring
you need to sleep for 7-8 hours in a day are being met and still feel sleepy, then you most likely do not sleep quality. Quality of sleep can be reduced due to snoring, causes congestion and windpipe during sleep Sulai body does not get enough oxygen.
4. Drug side effects
Several types of drugs such as allergy and mengatuk antidepressants have side effects, so it is not recommended to be drunk while driving a motor vehicle or run the engine. But if sleepiness to interfere with other activities, consult a doctor to be replaced with another drug.
5. Working the night shift
Coming home from work the night shift, usually people sleep in the afternoon. Even if Terliht sufficient amount of sleep, sometimes the person is still sleepy. This is caused by the disruption of the biological clock, especially if too often switching between day and night shifts.
6. Narcolepsy
This rare disease that causes the sufferer suddenly feeling tired, sometimes accompanied by sudden muscle paralysis. Sufferers can also suddenly collapsed while walking or while experiencing a surge of overwhelming emotions, such as when laughing or crying. Although quite extreme, narcolepsy can be cured with medication.
7. Concussion
If within 2x24 hours feeling excessive sleepiness accompanied bump on the head, you should consult a hospital, especially if you have previously experienced a bump on the head. Complications concussion sometimes is not only characterized by nausea, but can also trigger drowsiness.
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