In 2014 and then in Scotland, residents were surprised by a wreck in a field in Galloway, Scotland. The findings were the greatest treasure ever found in Britain. Including, among which are urns made of copper promising the most valuable secrets.
Now, the secret was finally revealed in a jar.
In it there is a silver brooch from Ireland, silks of Byzantium (now Istanbul), and also gold and crystal. The objects were estimated to come from the 9th century or 10 M. There are about 100 objects found in it, as quoted by the Daily Mail,
Richard Welander of Environment Historic Scotland said, "Before you remove objects, we are doing something unusual that jars with CT scan in order to figure out what was in it and make the best plan to get them out."
Urn Viking treasure found in Galloway, Scotland. Age urn estimated to be about 1000 years. (Source Historic Scotland) |
"That way we get a peek at first, but I still gasped afterwards. The impressive objects provides an understanding of what is in the minds of the Vikings in Galloway at that time. "
"They told him about the precious things of the day, the story of the competition between the ruler, and even there are some objects that reveal a sense of humor Vikings unpredictable during this time."
The objects found by metal detecting enthusiast named Derek McLenann September 2014. For more than one year, has been assiduously 47-year-old man looking in an area that is not mentioned by name in the land owned by the Church of Scotland in the town of Dumfries and Galloway.
Goods-barrage relics were considered of international importance and is now handled by the Treasure Trove Unit which is responsible for doing the estimated value of the findings on behalf of the Office of the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer.
Silver crucifix in a jar of Viking treasure found in Galloway, Scotland. Age urn estimated to be about 1000 years. (Source Derek McLennan and SWNS) |
The findings will then be offered for distribution to a number of museums Scotland. McLennan deserves reward appropriate market value and paid by the museum which gets a small object to the findings.
McLennan admitted to running out of words when finding the urn and become very emotional when he called to his wife who thought her husband was a car accident.
Among the findings that there is a Christian cross made of pure silver engraved decoration. Experts explain that unusual. According to McLennan adornments may symbolize the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
"I think it's similar to the ornate carvings can be seen in the ruins of the coffin of St Cuthbert in Durham cathedral. For me, this opens up the possibility of cross intriguing relationship with Lindisfarne and Iona, "said McLennan.
src="" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" width="640">Knickknacks from the urn Viking treasure found in Galloway, Scotland. Age urn estimated to be about 1000 years. (Source SWNS and the Church of Scotland)
This religious relics were among dozens of arm rings and silver bullion at 60 cm in the soil. Excavations conducted by Andrew Nicholson, a local archaeologist. A moment later, McLennan get second cue indicating the presence of the buried treasure.
Further investigation revealed two findings that are more valuable than the first, including a silver urn of the Caroling dynasty. It was supposed to be a container of valuables when landfilled because it contains a brooch.
McLennan said then, "We do not know exactly about what is in the jar, but I hope it can reveal who the owner is, or at least where they came from."
Decorations in the urn Viking treasure found in Galloway, Scotland. Age urn estimated to be about 1000 years. (Source Historic Scotland) |
Two fans of other metal detection, pastor Dr. David Bartholomew, a priest of the Church of Scotland to Galloway, and Mike Smith, a priest in the Episcopal Church Elim Galloway, was with McLennan when he found the urn. "We were looking elsewhere when Derek guessed he found a pawn of the Vikings game. Moments later she ran toward us, waving his arms of silver ring and shouted 'Viking', "said the pastor Bartholomew.
"Absolutely thrilling, especially when we saw the silver cross that facedown. He is like sticking out of a pile of silver bullion and ornate ring arm. There was even a strand of silver chain attached to it, "she added.
"The heart's stopped beating when the local archaeological experts flipped exposing the rich decoration on the other side," recalled the minister of the Church of Scotland.
Urn Viking treasure found in Galloway, Scotland by McLennan. (Source SWNS) |
McLennan no stranger to the affairs of the discovery of the treasure. It was included in a group that has found 300 medieval silver coins shortly before Christmas, 2013.
Scottish Culture Minister, Fiona Hyslop, said, "The Vikings are known to loot the coastal region in that period, but now we appreciate what they have inherited, which is a lovely addition to the cultural heritage of Scotland."
"It is clear that this artifact itself is worth, but its greatest value is its contribution to our understanding of life in Scotland in the early Middle Ages, and also about what they tell us about the interaction of diverse peoples in these islands at that time."
"The findings Dumfries unmasked in the story about the formation of the Scottish nation and continues to show the importance of the archaeological heritage of Scotland."
Trustees of the Church of Scotland, the owner of the land has reached an agreement with the McLennan as the inventor of the treasure was related to the distribution of money problems.
Sektretaris Trustees, David Robertson, said, "Any money generated from these findings would be used first and foremost for the benefit of the local parish."
"We know Derek as a very responsible conduct his interest, but we do not recommend doing metal detecting on land owned by the Church unless there are detailed settings that have been previously approved by the Trustees."
The location is right that the findings remain confidential. Scottish Government, official Treasure Trove Unit, and Historic Scotland are working on the preservation of the place that determined its importance.
Experts at the agency looked at the findings as "one of the most important Viking treasure ever found in Scotland."
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