Noise is considered forms of pollution. And it turns out, the noise pollution is the highest form of pollution in the world, today.
Urbanization has brought all the allied industries perform all activities in the city. It's impossible to not hear the sound of the horn blared and bustle kendaraan.Tak exception of the cities that are considered the best in the world.
The sound is mainly produced from automobiles, trains, vehicles, motorbikes and business activities. Index is considered noisy is in the range of more than 100 decibels.
Here are the 5 most noisiest city in the world, as quoted from IndiaToday, late last September 2015. These cities are not going to let your ears rest for a while.
The city is nicknamed by the New York Times, 'even you could not hear yourself scream' is is the largest and noisiest city in Africa and the Middle East. Noise is generally derived from commercial activities, construction sites and vehicles. Many people live in Cairo as an employment center in Egypt and Africa.
City with 18 million inhabitants is filled with inconsiderate motorists honking horns and shouted.
"Every time I talk to other people they always ask, 'Why are you screaming?' said Salah Abdul Hamid, a barber in Cairo. According to Daniel Pop expert acoustics of England told The Guardian, Thursday, October 8, 2015, the noise is not only generated from vehicle noise and bustle of people talking. However, the architecture and design of urban planning Kaior effect ,
Tokyo is the most populous city in the world and the second noisiest cities
around the world. The city noise generated from construction noise, loudspeakers, commercial activities and the domestic life. Loudspeakers become a 'hobby' for local government, in fact, who were campaigning. Typically, megaphones sightseeing around on the street at a busy time.
There are those announced over the loudspeaker. Starting from just to say hello good morning to announce train delays, children come home from school, until the announcement of ikebana exhibition at the settlement level.
Tokyo is also a center of education in Japan. So many students are in town for the purpose of good accessibility for all educational facilities.
The city also has many tourist attractions, which makes it very dense and crowded.
New York City is the most populous city in North America and the third noisiest city of the world. This is what makes this city dubbed "The city never sleep '. Noise is generated primarily from the cab, construction sites, car alarms, nightclubs and commercial activities, until the police sirens blared.
New York City is famous for its multi-ethnic city. Almost all people from around the world can be found here. In addition, NYC became a center of business and important cities in the world.
The Spanish capital was ranked fourth in the world as the city terberisik. The noise coming from an active night life, music from loudspeakers and commercial activities.
Many people choose to stay in Madrid because it is the commercial and administrative center of Spain, it is easier to access public services.
With a population of about 13 million people, Mumbai holds rank fifth most populous city in the world. The noise is generated because the vehicle, festival, firecrackers, loudspeakers and traditional vehicles.
Because it is the commercial capital of India, a large number of people coming to the city for work purposes. Some of the major problems experienced in Mumbai include congestion, noise pollution, traffic, lack of water.
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