A number of people in the world are obsessed to be very similar to their favorite characters. They are willing to do dozens of cosmetic surgery procedures by spending hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah. But this woman has a natural face, but very similar to the character of the Disney movie Frozen, Queen Elsa.
Andressa Damiani, 23 years old, a young woman who works as a veterinarian in Brazil, greatly admired by many people because of its porcelain face that makes it more like a doll than a human. He has blond hair was almost white, and eyes wide like a doll.
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"I always looked like a doll even without wearing heavy makeup. I also do not undergo a specific treatment or diet. I just brought my dog walks for exercise "said Andressa, as reported by the Mirror. Simply by adding a bit of makeup and hair, using contact lenses and mimic the look of wide-eyed dolls, she will be very similar to the character of Queen Elsa. Andressa said that often people on the street called him by the name of Elsa. But not infrequently also face frighten many people.
"I like to resemble dolls and I received many wonderful messages from fans. But I also get a lot of criticism. People tell me that they are afraid to see me as I really look like a doll. They are so scared if they saw me walking down the street at night, they would run the other way "
Since childhood Andressa very shy, he often ostracized by his classmates because he looks unusual. Andressa admitted very shy and hardly any friends due to her doll's face. But at the age of 20, he decided to make friends with her appearance and began to dress to make it more resembles a doll.
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