The Sugar water has Efficacy Better than Energy Drinks

Bath - Energy drinks became the mainstay of the athlete to drink before practice or games. In fact, not just athletes, school pupils or students were often chugging energy drinks to energy intake before the study.
However, besides not been scientifically proven efficacy, energy drinks also have adverse effects on health, such as increased blood pressure and the risk of diabetes.
There is an alternative that is more harmless than energy drinks - though not entirely healthy. According to a recent study from UK researchers, brewing sugar in water sufficient to reduce fatigue after sports activities.
Quoted Science Alert,  researchers from the University of Bath tested the effects on beverages containing glucose and sucrose on long-distance racing cyclist. This test aimed to compare how effective the two types of beverages in avoiding decreased levels of carbohydrate in glycogen levels in the liver.
Pros and cons of high caffeine energy drinks continue to receive special attention from health professionals in developed countries.
"Carbohydrates are stored in the liver is important in endurance sports, this substance helps keep blood sugar levels remain stable," said research leader Javier Gonzalez.
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"However, while we have a pretty good sense in understanding the changes carbohydrates stored in muscle with exercise and nutrition, we do not know much about optimization of carbohydrates stored in the liver during and after exercise," he said.
Either sucrose or glucose are substances that we are familiar with the name "Sugar" and always involved in making cakes, or serving tea and coffee. These substances are quickly absorbed by the body to produce energy.
However, the molecule, two different substances. Glucose and fructose is a monosaccharide. When the two are combined, it becomes sucrose, which is classified as a disaccharide.
Many energy drinks use sucrose, some use a mixture of glucose and fructose, some only use glucose. In the human tongue, both have the same taste, but when it is digested, the differences become more pronounced.
The molecular structure on both types of sugar affects how quickly the substance is processed, sucrose is more quickly absorbed. That is, energy drinks that contain only glucose can lead to stomach disorders.
Recommended, brewing sugar in water is the method makes it easy to exercise.
Although all kinds of sugar will restore your energy levels, speeds up the process becomes important when you are doing activities that require a lot of energy and is calculated from the performance assessment results.
"We found that exercise feels easier, and the feeling in the stomach of the better athletes, when they consume sucrose instead of glucose," explained Gonzalez. "This shows, when your goal is to maximize the availability of carbohydrates, sucrose merupajan sources of carbohydrates are better than glucose."
However, what is the ideal amount of sugar consumed in exercise? According to the findings, published in the American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology & Metabolism, for optimal performance in sports such as cycling distance, the time course of more than 2.5 hours, consuming 90 grams of sugar per hour, divided into 8 grams of sugar dissolved in 100 ml of water, is the recommended amount.

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