If you're a fan had a pet cat or cats in the house, you would know how they sleep, shower, eat and drink. All done with their tongue. Such as drinking, they will stick his head closer to the source of water and then licked drop by drop of water in a container of water.
But the way it is probably too unusual for this cat, because what he does is different from cats usually when drinking water. As a short video uploaded Twitter account @ m3396, which shows how unique the cat at tea.
justify;">He showed that cats can indeed be a classy and elegant animals, as demonstrated in several Disney fairy tales. The cat can show at the same table manners were polite laughter. The cat's owner and her husband had seven cats in the house, but only one is enough attention.
This cat has a unique style to drink enough green tea at the time served by her employer. Not licking the water as a cat as usual, he just dipped his hand into a bowl of green tea and freshly licked his hand. He did so many times while still sitting quietly.
Which makes it unique, when the cat is faced with a bowl of milk, she drank the milk by licking it like a cat in general. It was as if she knew she had to be polite and civilized when it should drink green tea, such as Japanese tradition when there is tea.
Just like humans, animals too can understand and can sometimes show behavior that is adorable and unpredictable, such as green tea drinkers cat's polite.
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