Tyler - Rescue humans and other living creatures in Noah's ark in the middle of a great flood that drowned the whole Earth, became the most famous stories in the scriptures of three religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
A number of people who believe the truth even tried to find evidence of the truth of the tale. Including, by looking for the presence of the giant ship debris, especially on Mount Agri or Mount Ararat, in eastern Turkey.
However, without much effort, a man from Texas, United States, Wayne Propst claimed to have found evidence of Noah's flood era at his aunt's home page. By chance anyway.
One day, Propst helped her aunt clean up yard of a house in Tyler. By accident, he discovered fossils of snails.
KYTX television station, he was also his aunt sure it comes from a time when the worldwide flood as described in Genesis (Genesis).
"From the flood to the front yard of my house, what's better than that," Propst as quoted by the Huffington Post. "Who else can say, there is evidence of Noah's flood in his front yard?"
Propst then send photos of the fossil to Joe Taylor, director at the same time curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas for analysis.
Taylor is a figure that is staunchly opposed to the theory of evolution. He also believes, colossal flood never happened thousands of years ago, and that Noah was told to make an ark large enough to save every animal species - including the dinosaurs.
Taylor claims, fossil Propst indeed come from a time when major flooding occurs.
No fossils from the time of Noah's flood in the man's home page Texas (KYTX)
However, not all agree with that opinion. James Sagebiel, collections manager at Texas Vertebrate Paleontology Collections found fossils discovered Propst actually millions of years old.
"The rocks there 35-40 million years old. Snails as small as it is commonly found in it," he told the Tyler Morning Telegraph. "So, there's nothing special."
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He added that the location where Tyler, Texas is probably the coast.
Although some researchers believe, inspirational story of Noah's Ark is a great flood in the Middle East, has so far not found scientific evidence that the disaster of the past occurred throughout Earth in human history.
On 26 April 2010, the organization Noah's Ark Ministries International announced the findings allegedly Noah's Ark in Turkey.
They claimed to have found the remains of Noah's boat located at an altitude of 4,000 meters on Mount Agri or Mount Ararat, in eastern Turkey.
They even claimed to have entered into the boat, taking photographs and some specimens to prove their claim.
According to the researchers, the specimens they take carbon has 4,800 years of age, matched with what is described in history. However, they claim that '99 percent 'scientists ignored.
Fossil 'Oldest'
Last month, scientists discovered a series of fossils, showing that vertebrate or vertebrate first in the world has existed 20 million years earlier than previously thought.
The fossils were discovered on the banks of the River Maya in the Yakutia, Siberia is derived from the past 500 million years ago, or the oldest in the world - even ahead of creatures found in China and Namibia, which has a simpler structure.
The scientists argue that these findings have significance in terms of our understanding of the evolution of animals.
The fossil was reportedly similar to a snail shell fragments.
"If it is true that the oldest fossils in the world, then the specimen is a treasure in the scale of the universe," said Zhu Maoyan of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, reports the Daily Mail.
Previously, the oldest known vertebrate specimens found in Chengjiang, China, which is derived from the Cambrian Period (Cambrian), about 450 million years ago.
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