Initially it was bittersweet chocolate taste but that all changed when the Spanish invaded Mexico and then also they find food called chocolate. At that time they started to develop these foods addressed to the Spanish nobility. They think chocolate is the food of kings and nobles as well as a symbol of luxury, wealth and power.
justify;">Historically speaking, around the 15th century until the 16th century Spanish master all the chocolate that can only be consumed by certain circles so ordinary people still do not know about this kind of food. However, the chocolate began to be known by the public when the political marriage between the daughter of the French king to king Louis XIII in 1615. It was also well-known chocolate began to spread throughout the region and Europe.
Since the discovery of brown food chemist named Coenraad Johannes van Houten derived from the Dutch began to make cocoa processing machines which eventually created a revolution in terms of making chocolate. Machines are made capable of removing the cocoa content of the chocolate and turn it into a dry powder. Then the dry powder can be mixed with liquids or other content.
Machines invented by Van Houten chocolate-making production costs more affordable and can be enjoyed by all the community. In 1874 a British company named J.S. Fry & Sons changing the shape of chocolate for the first time in the form of bars. The company then combines the powder and butter from the cocoa and sugar and then shaped in the form of bars.
In the year 1800 until early 1900 a wide range of well-known chocolate company began emerging. Every company starts creating new flavors in chocolate processing. The more that a lot of brilliant ideas for making more sweet chocolate.
That was the origin of chocolate that we could find and buy anywhere. Sweet chocolate flavor makes children love it and even adults also love the sweet taste of chocolate. Everyone who eat chocolate will feel infinite happiness. History behind the sweet chocolate bar
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