7 This creature can walk on water withdrawal Ninja

In this world no one is able to walk on water. If anything, the only people who have a great ability just like the stories in the film or have a special trick to be able to make it run on water and not drown.
But in the animal world, there were some species that have the ability like a ninja or shinobi. Not just running, some of these species can even perform like running.
Here 7 animals that can walk on water, which are summarized from Oddee,
1. Basilisk lizard

Has the unique ability to walk on water, the basilisk lizard
These predators can easily be found in the central part of America such as Mexico, Ecuador, and Venezuela are tropical.
Lizards actually live in trees, but this type also can not be far from the water. Because when threatened by other predators, he immediately threw herself into the water and were able to run straight at a speed of 1.5 meters per second, or about 5 feet.
The uniqueness that owned the basilisk lizard lies on his toes long and fins in between the toes. This makes it ran like a man who was riding a bicycle. While the whip on the tail serves as a counterweight body.
2. Pygmy Gecko Gecko Brazil

This is similar to the gecko lizard, but has a very small body size. Even some insects look much larger if both seen from close range.
Life in the Amazon forest is dense and full of various kinds of predators that will eat and the risk of drowning this makes geckos evolved. Lightweight body with hydrophobic skin (do not like water) to make them able to walk on water.
3. Water Strider or gerridae

Many of the names for the animals that have the shape of the foot like this antenna. Water bugs or aquatic insects, bugs or insects jesus Jesus, pond skaters or animals that can slide in the pool, and the water skippers or captains water.
Shape her long legs has a multitude of functions. In addition to being able to capture prey landing on the surface of the water, the legs also can make it run on water. Because these animals have the legs hydrophobic applying a voltage to the surface of the water and deploy all his weight on the foot.
Shape her long legs has a multitude of functions. In addition to being able to capture prey landing on the surface of the water, the legs also can make it run on water. (Oddee.com)
Body movements also helped them to come forward, by the middle leg sweep the water surface like a rowboat.
Insects that looks like a large mosquito has a length of more than 1/2 inch. His life can be on the surface of ponds, streams, marshes, and waters where the water is calm.
4. Fishing spiders or spider anglers
Animals are better known as a spider's dock is not only able to live on land but also in water (semi-aquatic animals).
Problem residence, this animal likes to live near ponds and streams. This is to make it easier to hunt for food, namely by detecting the ripples on the water surface.

Which makes it extra special this spider can walk on water. Not only that, this animal even has the ability to glide, even diving. (Oddee.com)
Which makes it extra special this spider can walk on water. Not only that, this animal even has the ability to glide, even diving. Amazingly, some types of spiders can hide under the surface of the water for half an hour and come out with the body remains dry.
5. Dolphin or dolphins
Aside from being able berakrobatik, marine mammals are known to be intelligent and friendly with humans can also "walk" on water. This is because the dolphins are equipped with a tail that can be made such as walking or dancing on the water.
Aside from being able berakrobatik, marine mammals are known to be intelligent and friendly with humans can also be

Researchers from Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) in Australia said that ability is usually only done for fun and rarely done in the open sea mammals .Kecuali have been a prisoner of humans and trained to akrobatik.
Another case of wild dolphins that live in Australian waters. They naturally have the ability to "walk on water". By pedaling their tails in the water, the dolphin was able to push his body to get out of the water.
6. Birds grabe West and Clark
When seen naked eye, these animals are similar to geese. The difference is black and white animals and can only be found in the American West in the winter.

When seen naked eye, these animals are similar to geese. The difference is black and white animals and can only be found in the American West during the winter. (Oddee.com)
Both species have a unique mating practice, where they will run in pairs in water up to 30 feet, while flapping its wings so fast that his legs lifted and like walking on water.
7. Bird Petrel

This bird has a name like the name of a holy person or saint, the storm petrel or storm birds. Because just like Santo Petrel, he gives the impression could walk on water.
Birds that have the smallest size among other bird is a bird-eating plankton and small fish in the sea surface. But when the storm comes, these little birds can not "walk on water". So how do these birds walk on water? Membranes on both legs. This helped him to walk even like "running" on the water.

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