7 Stories Hoax in History

7 Stories Hoax in History

Throughout history, there was just a hoax ( hoax ) who had infiltrated and subsequently passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes, a trick that stems from fad which then spiral out of control.
Excerpted from History on here are 7 hoax astonishing:
1. Shield Chest
A chest shield made of bronze was found in 1936 and touted as a relic explorer Francis Drake when he and the crew of the Golden Hind arrived in California in 1579 and make a claim for the land on behalf of the United Kingdom.
7 Stories Hoax in History
Findings purportedly chest-I as a shield belonging to explorer Francis Drake was counterfeit alone. (Source History)

Relics it was even written in school textbooks and exhibited throughout the world.
In order to commemorate 400 years of landing Drake, in 1977 the researchers conducted a scientific has to shield it. Turns out it was a false objects of modern times.
It is not clear who is acting until finally in 2003, historians announced that the breastplate was a joke friends Herbert Bolton, a history professor at the University of California, Berkeley, as well as a director of the Bancroft Library at the college from 1920 to 1940.
Prior to his friends explain the joke it, Drake was first admitted its authenticity and bought it for the library.
2. Archaeoraptor
In 1999, National Geographic magazine announced the discovery of feathered dinosaurs, Archaeoraptor liaoningensis.
At that time, written, "His arms were similar primitive bird, but with a tail like a dinosaur, a creature that was found in Liaoning province, China, is really the missing link in the complex chain that connects dinosaurs to birds."
7 Stories Hoax in History
The findings proved Archaeoraptor liaoningensis sham and derived from a number of different animal fossils. (Sources of History)

A few months later it was discovered that this is all just fossil inventions combining several different fossils of creatures. Investigation revealed that the parts found in wells in 1997 by a farmer Chinese fossil hunters.
He was taping the parts and sell them to middlemen, who in 1999 sold it to the director of a museum in the US at a price of $ 80 thousand. From there, the National Geographic lifting and publish his story.
Once word got out that Archaeoraptor liaoningensis merely imaginary, media dubbed Piltdown Bird, as a play on Piltdown Man, the story of another hoax involving fossils found in England in 1912. When it was found, Piltdown fossils thought to be a link between apes and early humans.
3. Tiara Saitaphernes
In 1896, the Louvre museum in Paris to pay a middleman Antic of $ 50 thousand for a tiara called as a masterpiece of the Hellenistic period. It was claimed-I as a gift from Olbia - an ancient Greek colony - to Saitaphernes, the king in Scythia.
Soon, experts began to question the authenticity of the tiara engraved parts of the Iliad story, but the museum has denied forgery.
7 Stories Hoax in History
Tiara made of this gold was not derived from Saitaferne, king of Greece, but the work of an artisan from Odessa, Ukraine. (Sources of History)

Later, officials tiara Louvres know that it's very likely the work of modern-day goldsmiths in Odessa, Ukraine, named Israel Rouchomovsky.
To prove that, they took him to Paris in 1903 and asked him to imitate a part of the tiara.Israel Rouchomovsky he did not know that an intermediary who ordered him is apparently intended to deceive.
Instead of destroying Israel Rouchomovsky career, this scandal even advance his career and brought orders flooding his works.
4. The Cardiff Giant
In 1869, workers digging a well in a field in Cardiff, the state of New York. They found something that seems to be a well-preserved body of a man more than three meters tall.
This finding immediately attracted attention, even among the scientific experts fooled so assume that the Cardiff Giant is as important findings.
7 Stories Hoax in History
Cardiff Giant is just sculptures gypsum and not the body of a giant preserved. (Sources of History)

In fact, it is the brainchild of George Hull, a cigar maker atheist from Binghamton city, in the state of New York. He was traveling on business in Iowa and engaged in a fierce conflict with the pastor related the verse in Genesis in the Bible about the "giants in the earth in those days."
Hull was determined to build this giant to make jokes about people like the pastor who interpret the Bible literally. He also found a way to reap a profit from it.
In 1868, he hired a sculptor from Chicago to create a human sculpture made of large chunks of gypsum rock. The end product is sent to a farm owned by his friend, William "Stub" Newell, in Cardiff, and was buried there.
In the following years, Hull ask Newell to employ a number of people to dig wells where he buried the giant statue. After the statue was found, residents flocked to watch after paying to Newell.
Some scientists suspect that the discovery was preserved ancient humans and a number of others theorize that the object is several centuries old statue made by a Jesuit priest.
Not long, renowned paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh named stated that the giant "comes from the present, and is a very intentional deception." In 1870, it became apparent hoax after the sculptor admitted.
5. Skull Calaveras
In 1866, miners at Calavera County, State of California, dig a human skull buried more than 30 meters deep, below the volcanic layer.
The skull was up into the hands of Josiah Whitney, a Harvard University professor who once geologist state of California. He announced that it is evidence of human presence in North America in the Pliocene, 5 to 2 million years ago.
7 Stories Hoax in History
Calavares skull is buried at a depth of over 30 meters so that the alleged evidence of humans in North America during the Plieosen. (Sources of History)

But, soon, news spread in Calaveras County on a number of local residents who buried the man's skull for a joke. According to some reports, Whitney became the butt of local residents were upset with him.
In 1992, radiocarbon dating revealed that the skull of Calaveras possibilities 1,000 years old. Meanwhile Whitney name immortalized as the name of the highest mountain in California and also the highest in the US mainland.
6. knights Etruscan
Between 1915 and 1921, the Metropolitan Museum of Art ( "Mets") in the city of New York bought three clay sculpture Etruscan warrior sized mistaken for those of the 5th century BC.
In 1933, when it opened the Etruscan art gallery, museum displaying statues allegedly taken from the new site found in Italy.
7 Stories Hoax in History
A number of Etruscan sculpture knight turns clone of the original statues are smaller. (Source Wikipedia and History)

Although the authenticity of the statues was questioned by some experts, some others consider it genuine. However, a new way of scientific testing in 1960 revealed that the knights were purchased at a price so expensive that it was derived from the modern era.
In the following year, the authorities learned that a group of Italians create fake objects that several years earlier, among others based on photographs of Etruscan warrior who exhibited in other museums.
7. History of Bathtubs
In 1917, the daily published by the New York Evening Mail, published a story entitled "A Neglected Anniversary" by veteran journalist named HL Mencken. He wrote how Americans fail to commemorate the 75th year celebration of the discovery of the bath modern.
He described a number of the claims as fact and say that like it was created in Cincinnati, and that the president Millar Fillmore was the first US president who put in the White House in 1851.
7 Stories Hoax in History
Veteran journalist H.L. Mencken wrote hoax in the Evening News to prove the innocence of readers in New York. (Source mentalfloss.com and History)

Mencken admitted even shower several times while being banned in a number of parts in the US because doctors consider it a health hazard.
In fact, exposure to the history of the tub by Mencken is a hoax and was written with the intention of emphasizing that innocent citizens, gullible. However, a few years later the article was reprinted in several dailies and facts rekaannya even appeared in a number of reference books.
Even after Mencken admitted in writing in 1926, there are still people who believe that exposure to the history of her is the right thing.

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