Death Valley, the hottest place on Earth barren and dry now grow pretty flowers!
According to the BBC Travel, recorded last time the flowers that grow in Death Valley is in the year 2005. That is only 10 years away, the desert where temperatures average 47 degrees Celsius are overgrown with flowers.
Know Death Valley, desert membenteng from California to Nevada in the list of the hottest places on Earth. Why, this place is located at 86 meters above sea level and the absence of trees. Plus the wind from the mountains, the heat of the sun seemed to be stuck there. Because of the heat, a traveler can cook fried eggs on top of the soil!
style="text-align: justify;">But this time, Death Valley look beautiful. There were roses desert or Geraea canescens, Phacelia (Phacelia crenulata), Golden Evening Primrose (Camissonia brevipes), Dandelion desert (Atrichoseris platyphylla), and Bigelow Monkeyflower (Mimulus bigelovii).
Colorful flowers, from yellow, white, green and purple. The land that was desolate and full of gravel, now looks pretty. The color of the flowers that contrasted with the surrounding natural landscape.
Why grow flowers in Death Valley, the answer is because the effects of El Nino. Heavy rains that fell in October 2015 yesterday and the weather was continuous rain, inducing millions of seeds there to grow.
It is estimated, gorgeous flowers in Death Valley will grow until several months into the future, at least until the end of March. Age flowers did not last long, because when the rain stopped and re-heat, the flowers will die. And come back Death Valley, as the hottest place on Earth and tergesang.
The quickest route is from Las Vegas through Pahrump, Nevada. From Interstate 15 point vehicle into the NV 160 and turn left on Bell Vista Road. After that just go to Death Valley Junction. Car ride can be 2 hours duration.
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