Stuffed Teddy Bear begins the story of former US President Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt, who was hunting in Mississippi.
Being unable to get a decent game, the assistant to the president capture a black bear cub and tied to a willow tree so Roosevelt could shoot him. However, he rejected it because they think it is not manly.
After hearing the incident, an artist, Clifford Berryman, drew an illustration of Roosevelt with bears and published in the Washington Post.
Then, a candy store owner, Morris Michtom, got the idea after seeing the cartoon creation Berryman. Incidentally, he and his wife Rose is the maker of stuffed animals.
Michtom decided to make teddy bears and dedicated it to the president who refused to shoot a bear chains. He called it Teddy's Bear doll and it becomes very famous.
Apparently, the presence of the original Teddy Bear, the Louisiana black bear, for two decades has been considered a threatened species.
This happens because the animals can be found in the woods of Louisiana, southern Mississippi, and Texas east that habitat has been destroyed. In 1992, 150 bears are only found in the wild.
To help the recovery of the species numbers, the government and NGOs, as well as private landowners, worked to restore 2,035 square kilometers of pine forest, oak and gum where
the animals live.
Since most of the Louisiana black bear habitat is located on land owned by a private, Louisiana farmers incentives offered money to restore agricultural land planted with their own hard into the original timber. It quoted from Live Science on Friday (03/18/2016).
History Teddy Bear (
However, the happy news comes from these animals. Because the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) said that the adorable bears will soon be removed from the endangered species list.
"I am pleased that the 'Teddy Bear' beloved we will remain here so that the next generation of Louisiana can enjoy," said a representative of Louisiana, Ralph Abraham.
According to FWS estimates, currently about 500 to 750 black bears have been wandering in the US. They also released a monitoring plan to ensure that animal populations can be maintained.
"President Theodore Roosevelt would love to see us gathered here today," said US Secretary of State, Sally Jewell.
"Working together across private and public land with so many partners realize the conservation ethic, which he fought when it set up the National Wildlife Refuge System as part of the solution to overcome the disturbance to wildlife nation," he added.
Louisiana officials, John Bel Edwards, called the bear as 'icons and Louisiana state'.
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