Derbyshire, England - Rachel Prince, 24 years old female suffering from a rare disease that causes the skin urticaria aquagenic suffered terrible condition when exposed to water. This makes allergies should not be swimming, bathing, and even drink a glass of cold water only his throat would swell.
Another problem arises, because Rachel will marry Lee Warwick. "If Lee kissed my cheek, I had to immediately clean up before a reaction. A bit depressing indeed, but Lee tries to show affection in other ways and buy me a little gift," said Rachel.
Because this allergy anyway then Rachel was not allowed to wash the dishes. In fact, she claimed to want to have children someday. But it should be considered with caution because he will not be able to take care of all laundry and cleaning utensils. Moreover, there is the possibility of Rachel's disease can be passed down to children.
Rachel also does not work for cubital tunnel syndrome affecting both hands. Cubital tunnel syndrome occurs when the nerve is disrupted and convey sensations and cause a tingling sensation.
Rachel met Warwick online ten years ago and they are officially dating right on Valentine's Day 2007 Valentine's
Day also has a special meaning for the couple because Rachel Warwick apply right on Valentine's Day in Codnor castle, near his home.
The couple will soon be married in the near future. However, their wedding party seemed to be a little different with a wedding party in general. Because when the groom asked to kiss the bride, the groom will only smelt very instant.
"Sometimes when I saw him I really wanted to kiss her, but I can not. I am sometimes a little annoyed at having to do most of the housework, so I'm basically slaves Rachel, and I did not even get a kiss because my business was. but I do not mind, he deserved it, "said Warwick, 26 years old.
Rachel also allergic to the saliva, sweat, tears, and his own blood. Even exposed to moisture for a while will make skin rash, red, and itchy. Rachel first experienced allergy at the age of 12 years and gradually worsened a few years after that.
"When I got older, I immediately experienced a rash after skin touched the water. It was like a burning and itchy. The symptoms also occur on the face, chest, arms, and recently in my legs as well. I used to love to swim and I learned how swim in the sea. But I could not even do it this time, "said Rachel as reported by Daily Mail.
Because the condition is rare, Rachel often gets strange reactions from people who first heard she's allergic to water. And then usually he will be bombarded with silly questions from people who want to know about allergies.
"I carry an umbrella everywhere and see the possibilities would happen to rain. Another thing that many asked is how can I be allergic to water when my body also contains a lot of water in it. I do not know, but what I know is that I was allergic to sweat and tears, even my own blood, "said Rachel.
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