Many young people might assume that the incidents of people falling because of a slip or trip over his own feet, as long as no one gets hurt is not a problem. People age 65 years and has its own views as to fall well it just slipped lightly, because they know the potential hazards occur.
A recent study conducted by researchers from Yale University, as quoted from the Medical Daily, has found that older men can significantly reduce the risk of falls by exercising. Unfortunately, physical activity does not have the same effect on elderly women.
Elderly also Gathered To Keep Healthy and senile
"The program of physical activity is more effective in reducing the number of serious injuries from falls in men compared with women," said Dr.Thomas M. Gill, a professor of Geriatric Medicine at Yale.
Gill and his colleagues collected data study Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders (LIFE) to understand the long-term effects of moderate exercise on 1,635 people aged 70 years who rarely moves compared to health education classes. Physical activity program consists of activities for flexibility, strength, balance exercises, and walking leisurely. The LIFE study is an analysis of
the largest and longest of the elderly and physical activity.
The men in the exercise group showed a reduction in risk as much as 38 percent against the resilience in the event of a serious fall, even so, the women did not show the same reduction.
Elderly men who exercise also showed a declining trend fractures due to fall by 53 percent and reduce the number of injuries due to falls should be treated in the hospital as much as 59 percent.
"The results of the study that we are doing to support the ongoing evaluation of the physical activity program so that implementation can spread in the community," added Gill.
Approximately one third of elderly people experiencing a fall and 10 percent of these people suffered serious injuries afterwards. Fell seriously considered as the main cause of injury in people over the age of 70 years.
The research team also provides a potential explanation to why men get the benefits of exercise, but not with women. The findings also showed that older men were able to increase their physical activity levels compared to women. And they are also making progress on the balance and muscle strength better.
But for the women not to worry. There are still a few options on how to reduce your risk of falling increases with age. Many studies have shown that elderly people can reduce the risk of falling by taking supplements of vitamin D.
No study has revealed that although vitamin D supplementation can increase bone density, but the effect of vitamin D on cognitive abilities that reduce the risk of falling people.
Elderly people should consult their doctor before taking vitamin D supplements to determine how many doses are appropriate for them.
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