Primorsky - Two animals have become an example of an unusual friendship. East, thus the name of the pig and thrown into a cage tiger Siberian tiger to become food.
However, as quoted by the Huffington Post. two different types of animals that even the best of friends at the Safari Park Primorsky.
Dmitry Mezentsev, director at the site, told RIA Novosti that the East is actually meant to be the food of the hungry predators.
"We send live animals twice a week, for a full year," said Mezentsev.
Not only
that, the Amur tiger that has preyed on so many goats, even that large. But, when the East put in the cage last week, an unexpected thing happened.
"The goat was very brave. He showed off his horns or reply each time the Amur tiger attack. Tigers exhausted confusion and decided not assortment to the goats, "he said.
In a display video sharing site, Eastern seen chasing the prey animal in a cage. Referring to a upload blog, park manager explained that Eastern tiger has brushed off the bed and the goats take over the bed. The Amur tiger relented and instead went to bed to the roof of the breeding.
Amazingly, though initiated by the hostility between the two animals, the park manager said that they did not seem hostile, even like two best friends.
"East followed Amur everywhere and he quietly let him. The goat was actually looks worried as the tiger does not appear and begin searching for his friend, "added Mezentsev again.
According to NBC News, Eastern name taken from the name of a brave little boy in a children's book in the Soviet period. According to the manager, "The name was appropriate for the brave animal."
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