Narcissistic people often feel envy

The word narcissist is often used as a term to refer to the 'crazy photos' and prides itself on. In fact, the narcissist is a mental illness sufferer often feel jealous and think everyone else envied him.

Narcissistic or in scientific terms Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental illness when someone has confidence was very high for his personal interest and curiosity admired.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), people who have narcissistic personality usually always feel better than others, it took excessive admiration, lack of empathy and envy.

Not only are often jealous of other people, people with narcissistic personality also assume that others envy him. In the narcissistic trait often appears cocky, arrogant, without emotion or dehumanize people, as reported by the Mayo Clinic,

Narcissistic including one of the type of personality disorder. A person suffering from narcissistic
disorders usually also accompanied by a personal emotional, more pretending, antisocial and over-dramatize things.

However, behind the mask of self-confidence, there is a fragile self-esteem and little sensitive to any criticism. It happens by itself, and if the problem is so powerful that alienates a person from the community, it is necessary to take steps of healing, as do psychotherapy.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the American Psychiatric Association says some of the symptoms and criteria for narcissistic disease, including:
1. Self-centeredness, exaggerates achievements and talents, hopes are known as superior without any specific outcome or achievement.
2. Too proud to have fantasies and unrealistic goals of boundless success, strength, intelligence, beauty or ideal love story.
3. Believing that he is very special and can only join or associate with people who also have a high status.
4. Requires excessive praise when doing something
5. Have a desire to be given a specific nickname
6. Being selfish and always take advantage of every opportunity to get what he wants
7. Do not have a feeling of empathy for others
8. Always envied the success of others and believe that others are envious of him
9. Shows arrogant and condescending nature of others
10. Easy to get hurt, emotionally and have personally weak.

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