In an effort to lose weight, diet paleo become a popular type of diet recently. This type of diet is to eat more protein than carbohydrates.
Taken name 'paleo' because it comes from ancient times and the menu is eaten by the same type as past human consumption.
The diet consists of meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, without involving dairy products, whole grain products, or processed foods. Moreover, fast food, soda and anything containing ula.
Then, what kind of food is actually eaten by early humans?
Quoted from Science Daily, scientists from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (HEP), part of the University of Tübingen, has been studying fine dining food Neanderthal, human relatives.
Based on the isotopic composition of collagen in the bones of prehistoric man, it was revealed as what Dr. Hervé Bocherens of HEP, "We have checked the details of food Neanderthal. In the process, we were able to determine that the relatives of the extinct eating herbivorous mammals like mammoths and rhinos. "
The findings have been reported in the Journal of Human Evolution and Quaternary International refers to the results of research in two excavation sites in Belgium involving international scientists.
style="text-align: justify;">Woolly mammoth replica of the alleged fine dining Neanderthals. (Source The Guardian)
In both places there are bones aged 40 thousand to 45 thousand years of mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, wild horses, deer, European bison, hyenas, bears, lions, and wolves.
Places nearby bones contain a number of Neanderthals. Isotope research of collagen in the bones revealed that the ancient human diet is very different from other predators foods. Collagen is an essential organic matter at the junction of the muscle to the bone, teeth, cartilage, tendons, and skin.
"Previously, calculated Neanderthals had the same food resources with their neighbors. Nevertheless, our findings reveal that all primordial man of prey have a niche of food each, which is usually in the form of small prey, such as deer, wild horses or bison, "said Bocherens.
Collagen in the bones of Neanderthal man helps scientists determine what kind of food the human relatives. (Source Hervé Bocherens via Science Daily)
The difference, large-bodied animals Neanderthal prey predator plants. But it's not just meat, for research composition of each amino acid in the collagen provides evidence that plant materials account for about 20% of their meals.
"Through this study, we for the first time to quantitatively determine the proportion of vegetarian food in the food Neanderthals. Similar results were also found in humans that the later Stone Age, "she added.
By examining the type of food, the scientists from Tübingen hope their research could clarify the cause of the Neanderthal extinction of about 40 thousand years ago.
"We gather more evidence that the food is not the decisive factor why Neanderthals had to share space with modern humans," concluded by Bocherens.
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