Pembroke, Ontario If in the past there is the term 'stairway to heaven', then it is possible in the future there will be the term 'elevator to heaven'. This is possible if the concept of the idea of Thoth Technology elevator technology from Canada managed to do.
In its official website, the company claimed it had received a patent from the United States regarding the elevator to bring the spacecraft and astronauts to the lowest part of space flight. If successfully created, Thothx sky tower as high as 20 kilometers is calculated to lower the costs of launching spacecraft of up to 30% through reduced fuel use.
Not only that, due to its height, this lift can even replace the function of this age satelit.Pada journey into space to reach a height of 50 kilometers require rocket, although rockets actually not efficient (efficient).
During this time a number of ways to reduce fuel consumption, for example by placing the launch site near the equator in order to launch a shuttle can take advantage of the speed of rotation of the earth, as well as launching a rocket that inflated balloons or assorted thrower.
This elevator towering 20 kilometers into space.
The elevator into space first proposed by Russian rocket scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, in 1909 and propagated by Sir Arthur C Clarke through the story of his novel, The Fountains. Unfortunately, so far there is no technology, related methods and materials, which enable the manufacture of elevator space.
Thothx tower is designed to overcome these limitations. According to the patent received on July 21, 2015 and then, the tower will be raised up to 20 kilometers and 230 meters bergaristengah. As well as enough space to launch rockets at its peak.
This elevator towering 20 kilometers into space.
The tower will be made of parts that can inflate. The inside will be made of a number of segments, strengthened by wind pressure (pneumatic). While the elevator to go up and down will be installed at the center. Setting dynamic stability is achieved with the use of a flywheel (flywheel) which prevents membengkoknya towers and keeping the footprint of the tower in place.
This elevator towering 20 kilometers into space.
In addition to satellite launch and landing of spacecraft, deck on top of the tower can be used for scientific research, communications, travel, pegindraan distance (remote sensing), and the installation of wind power generators.
Caroline Roberts, President and CEO Toth Technology, said, "The landing at sea level is great, but landing at an altitude of 20 kilometers above sea level will make space flights like passenger jets flying in general."
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