Do preoccupation enjoy the good food has made you forget about the form of an increasingly bloated stomach? You are not alone. The woman's stomach consists of several types, and each requires different tricks to remain slim and flat.
Keep the stomach in order to shape according to dream is not too difficult. You just need to be consistent in doing some things. But before, you must first about the type or shape of your stomach. Dailymail quoted from the website, the following seven types of women who can stomach you know.
Abdominal bulge forward as a result of alcohol consumption quite a lot, while no excess fat in the buttocks or hips. In addition to alcohol, the shape of the stomach is also caused by refined carbohydrates. Alcohol and refined carbohydrates make the metabolic process 70% slower. For those of you who have the stomach of this type, you should consider your calorie consumption, especially the consumption of alcohol. Remember, alcohol is high in calories but will not make full, so you will still find the food to overcome the hunger.
Bloated tummy
This type of belly more rounded shape that starts from the top line of the abdomen. Abdominal skin will feel tight, as if there was a balloon hidden in it. This type is usually flat stomach in the morning, but it will get bigger after the consumption of food. But the changes do not affect the form of belly weight, because the stomach contains wind. This occurs because of the constipation and consumption of food is too much at one time to eat, often also called bloated. You who have a type of stomach is recommended to consume plenty of vegetables and fruits.
Your stomach kind owner which one? Photo: |
stress tummy
Belly shape is similar to wine tummy, but rather flabby and sagging. Usually seen from below the breasts and like to hang at the waist. The cause is stress, because when a person is under stress, the body releases the hormone cortisol, which increases sugar levels in the body that produce energy. But when the energy is not used, it will turn into fats and settled in the abdomen. The owners of this type of stomach are advised to consume low-fat carbs such as whole grain and not in a hurry when you're eating. Additionally, you are as good to eat small meals several times a day.
Pear Tummy
Despite the slim waist, there is a persistent fat on the waist and hips, and buttocks that causes the body shape resembles a pear. This could be caused by high estrogen hormone. To overcome this, the owners of this type of stomach should avoid foods with high saturated fat content. Should multiply the consumption of high-fiber foods such as green vegetables and beans.
Mummy tummy
Form of a woman's abdomen caused by pregnancy, the stomach is a little big and sagging. To restore pre-pregnancy belly shape, you who have this type of stomach are advised to exercise such as yoga or pilates. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat or refined carbohydrates that slow down the metabolism.
thyroid tummy
Stomach owned by someone of great stature, so that his stomach was in great shape. This can occur in women as they age, in which the older a person is, the slower metabolism process also. Women who experience this are advised to pay more attention to food intake, multiply green vegetables, fruits and high-fiber carbohydrates.
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