Is this the world's most extreme bridges? Only composed of the rope, can not create bumped, suspension bridge in China made headlines in the international media because of the structure that is quite scary to cross. Surprisingly, many tourists were even challenged to cross there because of the view of tea gardens underneath is very beautiful.
Some time ago China had enliven the world of tourism with the inauguration of a glass bridge, a suspension bridge with a transparent glass pedestal that allows a traveler saw the bottom of the bridge form and a very deep chasm. Now there is another more mainstream anti bridges in the form of a suspension bridge that is very extreme.

Extreme suspension bridge in China
Instead of making people shudder pass through it, the bridge is actually a popular destination visited by many tourists. Not because the people who
Some time ago China had enliven the world of tourism with the inauguration of a glass bridge, a suspension bridge with a transparent glass pedestal that allows a traveler saw the bottom of the bridge form and a very deep chasm. Now there is another more mainstream anti bridges in the form of a suspension bridge that is very extreme.
Extreme suspension bridge in China
Instead of making people shudder pass through it, the bridge is actually a popular destination visited by many tourists. Not because the people who
come has guts, but more because of the scenery around the bridge a beautiful cause. It turned out that the bridge is crossed over tea gardens are so lush and refresh the eyes.
Quoted Travelingyuk of the Straits Times of Singapore, the tea garden located in the village Wujiatai, Xuan'en, Hubei Province, China. On it was built simple suspension bridge made of rope. It turned out that the existence of this bridge attracted the attention of the traveler to come and try to cross it. The extremes of this bridge can be seen from a very simple construction. No pads wide enough to be used as a foothold, instead there is only a small board mounted alternately.
The bridge was built at a height of 3 meters above the surface of the tea gardens with a length of 1 kilometer. Even though many a traveler who dared to test the guts to cross this bridge. To cross it they must be lined up one by one as being the line because this bridge does not have enough space to run into. The existence of green tea gardens beneath the Comforter to momentarily divert fear traveler. you dare to try?
Quoted Travelingyuk of the Straits Times of Singapore, the tea garden located in the village Wujiatai, Xuan'en, Hubei Province, China. On it was built simple suspension bridge made of rope. It turned out that the existence of this bridge attracted the attention of the traveler to come and try to cross it. The extremes of this bridge can be seen from a very simple construction. No pads wide enough to be used as a foothold, instead there is only a small board mounted alternately.
The bridge was built at a height of 3 meters above the surface of the tea gardens with a length of 1 kilometer. Even though many a traveler who dared to test the guts to cross this bridge. To cross it they must be lined up one by one as being the line because this bridge does not have enough space to run into. The existence of green tea gardens beneath the Comforter to momentarily divert fear traveler. you dare to try?
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