The Complete Guide to Caring for Cats and Cat pet Maintaining that we can do at home.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cats are pets that are very active and love to play, for those of you that has cats at home it helps provide a safe and comfortable environment for our pet cat. avoid the various possibilities of our wretched cat playing time at home.

Caring for Cats And Cats Maintaining IN House

Before we get to the main topic, it helps us reduce the risk of our cats woe, for example its close was the bathroom door meeting to reduce the risk of our cats drowned because climbing bath and avoid our cat to drink from the toilet which is certainly not good for the health of cats.

"Prevent Cats that do not play in the kitchen because the risk of fire stoves or cooking equipment is still hot"

Caution when closing or opening windows and doors to avoid the possibility of our cats tail pinched and better put a wire on the windows of our homes so that the cat does not come out but our cat still breathe fresh air and see the scenery outside the home.

Ok friends, above are some precautions that can we do to make our cats avoid accidents, yup let's get back to the main topic, this article discusses the Complete Guide to Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Maintaining Supplies Cats At home

1. Twin Cats

Definitely on wondering, what the heck do the same bed to care for and maintain the cat. ok answer is the cat is not much different from us, the logic aja nih cat sleeping in a comfortable and warm can ngindari our cats from the name of stress and flu disease, pity it if our cat sleeping on the floor cold, might our cat flu ,

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Friends can buy a bed cats in pet shops, there are many kinds of cheapest to most expensive, and most importantly, our cat can sleep soundly and quietly.

For friends who want to make my own bed can use wicker baskets or cardboard, coated board with a used towel or cloth used thick so our cat feel warm. because our cat scratching any hobby then hidarilah layer made from foam because it is dangerous if ingested by our cats.

"The addition of lights above the bed cats can also be used as a heating especially for kittens'

The most important thing that friends should do is always keep our cat beds least once a week so that the cat and we avoid the disease.

2. Place Eating And Drinking Cat

Where to eat and drink for cats should have easily achieved. To place Eating and Drinking can be a bowl or a plate made of ceramic or tin (iron).

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

To bowl, friends can choose the edge of the bowl is not too high and too deep middle. choose a size sufficient to store food for a cat only. if your friends have multiple cats, we recommend friends to feed a disproportionately so they may eat in accordance with its portion.

Tip: "Always keep eating and drinking, washing and dressing drinking water every day to prevent the disease in cats"

3. The Sandbox

Sandbox is one tool that should keep the cat in the house. Teach our cats from a small town so pooped in the sand, my friends do not like it if our cat pooped in any place

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Instinctively, the cat can use the sandbox to place their droppings. since childhood, kittens have started observing the mother using a sandbox, so it is not too difficult to train.

Friends can buy a box of sand and grit her pet store, there are plenty of choices form of small and large, most importantly adjust to our cats, do not let our cats big and small place, this triggers our cat lazy to pup in the sandbox and can also avoid beserakan sand on the floor when our cat pooped.

Sandbox can we make yourself at home, friends can find plastic boxes or large sized iron and not too high. For his sand friends can buy in pet shops or find clean sand and not humid.

Tips: "if you buy the sand in the sand choose a pet store that is easy mengumpal so it is not too hard to throw."

Cat litter should be discarded every day and the sand in the dressing when wet. usually the cat will not use dirty sand city. Provide a sand box for each cat and a sand box again as a backup if we do not throw dirt Sepat.

4. Place Scratching For Cats

Already instinct activity scratching cat to sharpen his nails so easy when jumping. we do not want it sofa, chair, or bed we scratched by broken in our pet cat. therefore provide some place for our cat scratching.

How to make a cat scratching for us it is not too difficult, provide a piece of wood slightly soft, lined with carpet or wrap with ropes made from the fiber.

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Put a scratch in a place within easy reach of our cats, as everywhere he plays, near the bed, and nearby places to eat. with meletekkan where we at least minimize scratching our cat scratching at any place. we do not want it damaged the furniture in our homes because our cat hobby this one

Read also: "How to Make Place For Cats Scratching"

5. Cat Toys

Cats are animals that like to play, sometimes pounced often our fingers and our hands. objects that dangle and move did not escape their attention.

Cat actually actively playing is one of the activities burn off excess energy in his body.

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

If we are busy or there is no time to play with our cats, it would not hurt us to buy toys for our pet cat.

There are many cat toys that are sold in pet shops such as balls, dolls and other rats. we can also make Maenan itself as making a ball made from a sheet of paper or tissue is coagulated.

We can also give Maenan was at home for a cat to play with us.
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Aside from being a friend to play for him, also train our cat toys to keep active.

6. for Cats

Cage only needed when we invite cats traveling or when they are sick. choose the size of the enclosure makes our cat comfortable and easy to move inside.

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Type of enclosure can be selected from plastic or wire. at the bottom of the cage put a towel or blanket to make us comfortable cat in a cage. and prepare a place to eat and drink in the cage.

Cat's Hair Care (Grooming)

1. Bathing Cats

Cats are animals that are fond of cleanliness especially the cleanliness of the body, it can be seen with his frequent cleaning cat fur. Actually, the cat may appear clean without having a shower, we just simply combing fur.

Bathing a cat is one way we take care of the cat's fur to keep it beautiful and protected from infestation. be sure to allow time once a week to bathe our pet cat.

"Almost all types of cats need treatment except fur sphynx race and race rex."

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Treatment of cat fur should be done regularly and for the Persian cat is recommended regularly every week to avoid irritation of the skin that can cause asbestos (inflammation accompanied by a discharge of pus).

Regular hair care can also reduce the risk of many feathers fell out and scattered sofa and inside the house.

Bathing a cat also reduce the risk of disease because terjilatnya dirt on fur by cats

Bathing cats can also avoid discoloration in cats kususnya white fluffy cat. saliva mixed with food coloring will be attached to the hair and cause discoloration and stains are difficult to remove, although it has been washed many times.

Tips: "For the white fluffy cat can use a special shampoo whitening fur that many are sold in pet shops"

Caring for a cat fur use a brush or comb the appropriate texture and cat fur. Use a shampoo specially cats cats and compatible with the type of pet cats.

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Tips: "Never use a shampoo for humans because it will ruin the texture of cat fur and skin glands."

For cats who have skin disease can use a special shampoo or a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo.

For my friends who have not been accustomed to grooming well, friends should ask for the help of our friends who are already proficient in grooming or brought to the pet store to avoid the collapse of the fur and more.

Cats should be familiarized shower from a young age, if the cat is grooming a new friend the first time, should be accustomed until they calmed down when washed.

Cats should be bathed yourself at home, because cats often revolted if bathed by a stranger.

Bathing a cat is not too difficult, provide buckets are wide and deep enough with warm water. first flush the cat's shoulder so that the cat used to the water, then flush the entire body of a cat. Sebaikanya at bath time, the face of a cat's face is not facing us, because if the cat can scratch the face of our fear. not funny Klo our face so scarred because in our pet cat tampol hehehe.

ok we go, hold her shoulders carefully by hand and do not grip the neck. how can calm a cat a bath. next use our hands to rubbing shampoo through her.

Avoid face and ears of the cat shampoo, shampoo slowly on the whole body, especially on the lower part of the neck, abdomen, legs and tail, because that's where our cat fur is often dirty.

Tips: "especially the eyes and ears of the cat shampoo and water to avoid getting sick in the cat's eyes and ears were watery, causing odor."

After wrapping with shampoo, rinse with clean our cat not to get shampoo is left as it is very dangerous if our cats lick and swallowed. My personal experience there is a kitten licking die because of shampoo does not clean. hikss baget feels sad.

Once clear of the shampoo, use a large towel and dressing the cat's body to dry. clean the cat's face and ears on another occasion before or after bathing.

2. Dry Cat Fur

Cat Fur short section that is easy to dry by itself if exposed to hot air. Drying the cat's fur after grooming enough cat sunning in the open space.

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

If the weather outside is not friendly, drying the cat after grooming can use a hair dryer to dry quickly so that cat fur. for the use of a hair dryer on the cat, try to use at the lowest speed that cats do not fear and stress.

For Cats furry medium and long term, could use a comb on a fur drying time using the hairdryer.

3. Short Hair Care

Combing Short Fluffy cat should be performed every 3-4 days using a small comb the meeting.

Combing feather done by following his fall feathers do the opposite direction from the back to the tail.

Combing the cat fur can be done wiping palm oil and then rub the cat's body with a cloth made from smooth as silk that cat fur looks shiny.

Use of special powder for cats who have skin problems can be done after grooming.

4. Long Hair Care

Long-haired cats require extra care in order to stay beautiful fur. Long fur should be combed every day so that the fur is not matted and lumpy, especially on the rump, tail and part of the hind legs.

These parts are the parts that are often dirty at the cat, to clean the dirty parts, can use warm water and a mild soap and then rinsed clean and do not forget to dry the back so as not to get dirty again.

Caring for Cats And Maintaining Cat At Home

Feathers in the abdomen, legs and tails need to be friends noticed more, because this section often tangled long hair. comb carefully as he lay in our laps.

Long-haired cats do have problems matted fur at the bottom, although we have diligently bath. we can separate the feathers sticky with our fingers. and use a soft comb to comb.

Dry Bathing At Cat

For reasons of sick cats or cold weather, we can do a dry bath in cats without having a wet bathroom. we could have a special powder rubbed all over her then combed until powders lifted. can also use a towel so that no powder is left behind.

The following state of the cat should not be washed:

1. When Cats Moderate Pain

We can see our cats are healthy or sick of his behavior and body temperature.

Do not even bathe the cat was sick, because it will be cold and make the pain got worse and longer recovery.

If the body is dirty, we can clean it by wiping the dirty parts using a cloth moistened with warm water.

2. Having given Vaccination

The new cat vaccination will look very weak as a cat who was ill. This condition will last over a week since the vaccination.

During this period, the cats should not be bathed. should bathe the cat before vaccination.

3. Kittens That Still Small

Never bathe kittens are still small, his condition is still weak and vulnerable to disease because their immune systems are not functioning properly.

Cat Ear Cleaning

Lifting Dirt inside the ears can use a cotton swab soaked in mineral oil reply or boric acid powder and do not pry too deep ear.

cats rarely have problems with his ears. generally in the cat ear mites often found in the ear (ear mites). their ear mites can be seen with the brown dirt in the ear. Fleas can cause ear infections and if the infection has occurred should we need to take it to the vet.

Advance Cleaning Cat

Clean the dirty face of the cat that can use a towel or paper towel moistened with warm water. cleansing the face can be done on a regular basis, lifting the dirt in the corners of the eyes.

On Persian and exotic cats are often seen former berwaran tear fluid is brown, the former is difficult to remove, to eliminate them we can use boric acid is mixed with peroxide. you should be careful using it and do not get too close to the eyes.

Teeth And Gums cat care

To avoid the formation of tar or broken teeth should consult their cat to the vet regularly every year.

Bersikanlah cats teeth regularly to avoid infection of the gums.

Get used to brush his teeth in cats since childhood by using a thin fiber-like material that dibukungkuskan at our fingertips.

In adult cats we can brush her teeth with a brush and special toothpaste cats that we can buy at the pet store.

Nails care Cats

Cats often sharpening her nails with a way to scratch objects that are around cats such as wood, sofas, carpets, mattresses etc. This habit is a behavior that has become instinct.

To reduce the habit of scratching, it helps us as a cat owner diligently cutting the nails of our cats.

Cutting nails should use nail nippers specifically for cats that friends can buy at the pet store, if we are lazy to cut it, we can also ask for help to the veterinarian.

Choosing food for cats

Cat food actually very important for its growth and health. Friends should not carelessly feeding our cat.

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