Legend has it there was life under the ground, and the entrance is located at the north pole. Legend has it appeared since the time of Plato who believes that the earth is full of tunnels and holes. Is the legend true?
Thought a hole in the ground is very popular among the authors of "science fiction". Even some authors showed estimate calculations and experiments to prove the planet, has a hole in it. Then if "science fiction" is true?
Doctor of Geology and minerals of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Mark Sadikov said, people will not be able to get into the bowels of the earth, because there is no hole at the North Pole. Areas north of the zone in the sea, and there are troughs in some parts.
Officials research in the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Maria Gavrilo also say, never get a hole in the northern region while doing research in the region. In fact, the north polar region itself is an ice-covered ocean in full.
In the 21st century, the possibility of opening it examined again. Expert advocates of the holes of the earth that magnetism different as an indication. They also refer to the rays of the aurora is a gas that appears at the poles.
Proponents of the theory that call, compass always behave unexpectedly when approaching the poles. Many researchers also mention the warm winds often blow from the north pole that is likely to come from a big hole there.
Maria Gavrilo refute the theory of magnetic field. He called the magnetic field in the north and south poles continue to move extends. Research at the two poles of the show are both unstable and move actively.
While the appearance of aurora polaris is a unique phenomenon produced by the atoms in the upper atmosphere. Aurora was berbetuk oval zone over the poles.
Astronauts from space could observe the earth glowed like a halo around the moon. However, from the earth that light can only be seen at the poles. Aurora polaris can be very large due to the influence of radio signal interference.
Researchers say, is something normal compass becomes unmanageable when approaching the poles. That's because the earth's very strong magnetic field near the poles and a compass are abysmally appointment is an attempt to point to a particular direction.
The majority of the idea of a hole in the earth more based on assumptions rather than scientific data. According to the study, the holes that may exist only karst caves. Life on earth is not possible, because there is enough room under the earth's surface.
Both the pressure and the temperature rose dramatically in certain depths. When the mine is made deeper than one kilometer in Africa, where it must be equipped with temperature control for the room became very hot.
Supporting a hole in the earth states, the planet should have more weight if there is no hole. But Maria Gavrilo says, when calculating the weight of the earth should be based on the mass which is not stationary but move. If that fact is ignored, then the calculation by the researchers will get the wrong results.
The hollow earth theory of planet will continue to be a mystery. Because until now, a layer of the Earth called the lithosphere is still a mystery, and nobody knows what is in the deeper layers of the coating.
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