Artists Food Create Statue Of Cheese

                                                                                                                                                                    Prudence Staite, 36, a food artist has created amazing works of art from pieces of cheddar cheese. He makes sculptures depicting the nativity scene, complete with Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, the three wise men brought gifts and sheep.                                                                                                                                                                                              
Prudence previously soften 3 kg of cheese-cheddar cheese packaging sizes in the specialized food processor, then let it harden cheese back in a larger size. Once hardened, the woman from Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, England, then began carving it into forms more detail.

Artists Food Create Statue Of Cheese

As reported by the Mirror, 24 November 2015, Prudence using cocktail sticks and magnifying glass to carve small statues that. He finished the nativity scene of cheese in just five days.

"Make the whole statue of cheese is really a challenge for me, because it is so complicated. Sculpting the face of Mary and Joseph were extremely difficult and complicated, but I am very happy after successfully completing "said Prudence.

This work is a request from a firm cheese Pilgrims Choice, which will be one product for the Christmas rush. Pilgrims Choice but has not yet decided whether to make a similar statue in greater numbers or not. 

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