6 Shocking Facts of figure Man Behind Valentine's Day

 New York - The figure of a man named Valentine or Valentinus often touted to be behind the creation of Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on February 14. According to History.com quoted on Saturday (13/02/2016), he died on February 14 at the end of the 3rd century.

Reporting from The Guardian, the Catholic Church recognizes there are 3 saint or saints named Valentine or Valentinus. "And the third is a martyr". The three men of the period 200 AD was killed by tragic.

Who would have thought, clergy touted as Saint Valentine is considered to refer to the two men?
Custom painting faces St. Valentine.
The following 6 surprising facts about the figure of the man behind the Valentine's Day
1. Saint Valentine who became the inspiration Valentin allegedly refers to two different men

As recognized the Roman Catholic Church, St. Valentine was someone who died around the year 270 AD. However, in 496 AD, his true identity is questioned by Pope Gelasius I who found the martyr and his actions "known only to God".

According to information in the 1400s, described Valentine as a priest of a church who was beheaded by Emperor Claudius II in the Municipality of Rome for helping young couples to marry Christians. From several sources mentioned that at that time the emperor forbade marriage of young Roman soldier, so they do not 'sluggish' on the battlefield.

Another opinion says Valentine was a bishop in the city of Terni were dying at the hands of Claudius II. Because of the similarity story, two opinions that allegedly refer to the same person.

Because the maze of information on the identity St. Valentine, the Roman Catholic Church finally stopped the liturgical tribute to him in 1969. Although his name remained on the official list of saints.

2. There are dozens St. Valentine plus a Pope

Santo referred to on Valentine's Day is officially known as St. Valentine of Rome. The mention this to distinguish it from dozens of other Valentine in the list.

The word 'Valentine' is derived from the Latin word meaning worthy, strong, or powerful. The name was popular between the late 2nd and 8th. Some martyrs for several centuries thereafter also uses the name.

An official list of saints of the Roman Catholic version included about a dozen men named Valentine or variations. The most recent consecrated Valentine is Valentine Berrio-Ochoa, a Spanish citizen of the Dominican order who traveled to Vietnam as a bishop until he was beheaded in 1861.

There was even a Pope Valentine, although not much is known about him except that he served for 40 days in about 827 AD.

3. Valentine is the patron saint figure

The saint is expected to continue working
in the wild there. Eg sacred duty to help a number of worldly affairs and listened to the appeals of those who are still alive.

To that end, St. Valentine has a broad responsibility. Of course people ask for guidance to the lives of loved ones, but also intervening to beekeepers, epileptics, pestilence, those who lost sober, and that berperjalanan. Of course, she is also patron for the engaged couple and for a happy marriage.

4. There skull Valentine in Rome

Skeletons St. Valentine display at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. In the early 1800s, digging burial cave near Rome reveal their skeletal remains and other objects that are now linked with St. Valentine.

Skull of Saint Valentine of Terni origin. Located in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome. (Source Wikipedia)

The pieces of the body of the saints were then distributed to a number of storage areas around the world. While fragments of skeletons St. Valentine on display in the Czech Republic, Ireland, Scotland, England, and France.

5. Valentine's Day allegedly fictitious poet Chaucer

Medieval English poet Geoffrey Chaucer called often perform a free interpretation of history and put the figures in the poem, in a historical context that is fictitious packed like the real thing.

There is no record on the romantic celebration of Valentine's Day prior to the advent of a poem by Chaucer around 1375. In the work entitled "Parliament of Foules" he attributed tradition turbulent love with the feast of St. Valentine.

These linkages have not been there before until the end of the poem began to be known.

British poet of the Middle Ages were considered linking St. Valentine with a romantic celebration. (Source biography.com)
The poem was talking about February 14 as a day when the birds (and humans) come together to find a mate. Here are excerpts of writings related Chaucer Valentine's Day.

For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day
Whan every foul Cometh ther to choose his mate

6. People can celebrate Valentine's Day a few times a year

Because of the large St. Valentine in the list of the Roman Catholic, people can choose to celebrate it a few times a year.

In addition to February 14, anyone can pick the celebration of St. Valentine of Viterboo on Nov. 3, or maybe St. Valentine of Raetia on January 7.

Women could choose only one St. Valentine woman - Valentina - ie a virgin who was martyred in Palestine on July 25, 308 AD.

Orthodox Catholic Church celebrates St. Valentine 2 times, first a celebration as the elders of the church on July 6 and then the celebration of death as a martyr on July 30 .:

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