5 Reasons to Talk Keeping time in office


 In behaving in an office, you need to be careful in acting. Included in terms of speaking. Because it can impact your professional image in the workplace.
Diane Gottsman worked as an ethicist, speaker, author, and owner of the school, reveals 6 reasons why you need to keep your speech while in the office and did not participate comment on things outside of work by your peers.

Here are 6 behaviors caution in speaking while in office

1. You do not always need to be "right"
The idea that you should always do everything perfectly and never makes a mistake is unrealistic. It will only make you depressed and tense while doing pkerjaan you, and can end up instead.

In the event of a fault, do not blame someone for the sake of your self-justification. Better still, and find a way out for the permaalahan. In this way, employers will see you as a worker who is able to handle a difficult problem even under pressure.

While you are in the middle of work problems, try not to talk too much to mebela yourself, act on your efforts.

2. No need everyone should know it
The 2nd reason why you should reduce the talk outside of
work during office affairs is that not all things to know your teammates. In the working world of competition is inevitable.

But if it happens in a healthy competition or drop you, you still have to be careful. By not talking about all that stuff with your co-workers in addition to avoid you from unfair competition and mutual menjatihkan can also make your work situation more conducive.

Good relationships with coworkers can be maintained and you can work properly and automatically influence the results of your work.

3. You can learn more from hearing
Listening is more important and give you a lot of lessons that affect your job, than you're too busy to talk about things that could make his career. If someone offers to give constructive criticism, became a mentor and provide sound business advice, immediately hear and record the good things in your mind, because the opportunity will not come 2 times.

4. Know everything that does not mean to brag
If you perform well and generate huge profits for the company, you do not need to say much about it so that all the people know. If you have good quality, by itself the world will ever know.

If you keep talking, then there you just show your true self, as the saying goes, empty keg tinny sound. Of course you do not want that right?

5. Be prepared for the gossip that happen to you
If you respond to colleagues who talk about the faults of others, or better known as gossiping, it is most likely on another occasion you will be the topic of their gossip. and ultimately your colleagues see you is a friend who can not be trusted, so you will regret it in the end. Better minimize such talks in the office.

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