5 Best Foods To Accelerate Process Body Detox

                                                                                                                                                                    Detox is one of the methods that are currently popular, to cleanse the body of various substances. With the detox, the substances that are not useful and toxic in the body, such as ammonia and lactic acid can be removed.
In addition to its use to rid the body of toxic substances, the current detox is also one of the methods for dietary mainstay. And the diet program known as detox diet. The benefit is to clean your blood, increasing the performance of the intestines, and increase metabolism.

The body itself can secrete toxins and substances that are not useful. However, to speed up the process, you can make the process of detoxification. And here are 9 Best Foods To Accelerate Process Body Detox.

1. Blueberry
Fruits berries, contain anthocyanins, which contain high antioxidants. These substances can help the body to speed up the detox process in removing toxins.

2. Lemon
Lemon, apart from being used for cooking can also be used for the detoxification process. Lemon contains antioxidant compounds, which can activate an enzyme that plays a role in the detox process of the body.

3. Mango
Prepare the mango, then cut to form small cubes, Pretty with a mango, it will meet the needs of three-quarters of your daily vitamin C. Mangoes, other than beneficial to detox can also help expedite the process of digestion.

4. Oranges
Orange, a well-known fruit with vitamin C. True, the content of vitamin C in citrus fruits and even exceed one hundred percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Therefore, consuming citrus fruits could be useful in helping to activate the detoxification process in the body. Same thing with lemons, oranges also contain limonoids.

5. peppermint leaves
When reading the word peppermint, one thing that probably comes to mind is a breath freshener. Thought is true, but in fact in addition, peppermint leaves are also useful as a suppressor of the desire to eat. Peppermint naturally suppress your desire to eat, and removes germs from the body using antimicrobials. With peppermint leaves, then you will feel full sooner than normal.

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