log abstract kapal

L O G    A B S T R A C T
 NO.   2570//IV/2014
          PORT TIME  : LOADING
Port End of Sea Voyage Begin of Sea Voyage Port Time Cargo  Loading (Barrels) Activity Date Time
Date Time Date Time ( Hours ) B/L SFAL GRADE
Ramba 24-04-2014 16:00 26-04-2014 05:18 37 H :18 M  20,730  20,823 GMCO  St.by Eng. (EOSV)   24/04/2014 16:00
 FWE 24/04/2014 17:00
 St.by Eng 25/04/2014 04:30
Description Hours Fuel & FW Consumption (Litres)  FWE 25/04/2014 06:30
 Remark :   FW  Comm. Loading 25/04/2014 08:12
Manouvering in 03 H : 00 M 612    Complt. Loading 25/04/2014 15:36
Manouvering out 01 H : 00 M 191    St.by Eng    
Idle 25 H : 54 M 369    FWE    
Loading 07 H : 24 M 96    St.by Eng 26/04/2014 04:18
Ballast / Deballast 3 H : 00 M 36    Full Aways (BOSV) 26/04/2014 05:18
Berthing Time      
Total in Port 37 H : 18 M 1304 5,000  Description   Hours
ROB ATA ( Tungkal ) 6193 43,000 Heat   -
ROB ATD ( Ramba ) 23791 48,000 Tk.Clean   -
REPLICEMENT 18902 10,000 Ballast Operation 3 H : 00 M
From To Distance Steaming Average    
( BOSV ) ( EOSV ) (Miles) Time Speed MDO FW
 Port  :   Port  :   74 22 H :12 M 3.33 6283 3000  
Date 26/04/14 Time 05:18 Date 27/04/14 Time 03:30
Port End of Sea Voyage Begin of Sea Voyage Port Time Cargo  Discharging (Barrels) Activity Date Time
Date Time Date Time ( Hours ) B/L SFBD GRADE
Muntok 27-04-2014 03:30 29-04-2014 18:00 62 H :30 M  20,730  20,780 GMCO  St.by Eng. (EOSV)   27/04/2014 03:30
 FWE 27/04/2014 04:30
               St.by Eng 29/04/2014 04:00
Description Hours Fuel & FW Consumption (Litres)  FWE 29/04/2014 06:00
 Remark :  MDO FW  Comm. Discharging   29/04/2014 07:00
Manouvering In 03 H : 00 M 612    Complt. Discharging   29/04/2014 14:30
  Manouvering Out 1 H :00 M 191    St.by Eng    
Idle 52 H : 00 M 926    FWE    
Discharging 07 H : 30 M 306    St.by Eng 29/04/2014 17:00
Ballast / Deballast 3 H :00 M 36    Full Aways (BOSV) 29/04/2014 18:00
Berthing Time      
Total 62 H : 30 M 2071 7000  Description   Hours
ROB ATA ( Muntok ) 17508 45000 Heat   -
ROB ATD ( Muntok ) 15437 38000  Tk.Clean   -
REPLICEMENT     Ballast Operation   03 H : 00 M
From To Distance Steaming Average    
( BOSV ) ( EOSV ) (Miles) Time Speed MDO FW
 Port  :   Port  :   74 21 H :30 M 3.44 6085 3000

Date 29/04/14 Time 18:00 Date 30/04/14 Time 15:30 Marine Advisor Chief Engineer M a s t e r

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