Beautiful and Sexy Female Images in Early 20th Century

Beautiful and Sexy Female Images in Early 20th Century

Every country has a future and a category pretty different ideal.
For example, in countries Mauritania, overweight women are considered beautiful.While most countries in the world judged that slim women more attractive.
Not only from the size of the body, over time, style of dress, hair, accessories, makeup also helped to adjust. Become a benchmark pretty on the next era.
The women were dressed in accordance with the trend was gradually considered beautiful and attractive.
Based upload a postcard from a Flickr user with the account name Postman, found pictures of beautiful women from several countries. Such as America, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal and the United Kingdom began in 1900 until the 1920s.
With the postcard, we can compare the standard beautiful and sexy in the past to the present, judging from the shape of the body, hair, clothing and accessories, and makeup.
Here's a collection of postcards showing the beautiful and sexy women from three generations since the 1900s up to 1920 in several places in the world, quoted by the Daily Mail 

years 1905-1906
Women Nepal in 1905 (left) and Cambodia in 1906 (right) (Photo: Postman).
Women Nepal in 1905 (left) and Cambodia in 1906 (right) (Photo: Postman).

1905 postcard shows a Nepalese woman who uses a lot of accessories. Starting from the headdress, earrings, nose piercing, necklaces, and bracelets.
Meanwhile Cambodian women in the same year, showed no berias face, flowing hair, and clothes that look just dilitkan. In the photo, it appears that the beautiful women in the past there was no need to have a slim body.
years 1908-1909
American actress in 1908 (left) and Vietnamese women in the same year (Photo: Postman)
American actress in 1908 (left) and Vietnamese women in the same year (Photo: Postman)

In the above photo shows an American artist in 1908, Maude Fealy. In the portrait shows the trends and styles of the current US women, the curly haired and wearing an umbrella to make it look graceful. Describing the beauty of its time.

Women Vietnam in 1909 (Photo: Postman).
               Women Vietnam in 1909 (Photo: Postman).
Then the photo on the right shows a Vietnamese woman in the same year. Wearing a long blouse with embroidered accents on the edge of his shirt, headband, and also hung a machete at his waist
At that time, a formidable woman is considered beautiful by the Vietnamese community.
Meanwhile, from a postcard in 1909, featuring a portrait of a Filipino woman who seems pretty natural. His long hair loose nor is he appears to be wearing makeup.
She was also seen wearing earrings and necklaces with simple shapes to complement the length blouse

YEARS 1913

Japanese women in 1913 (left) and 1920 (Photo: Postman).
Japanese women in 1913 (left) and 1920 (Photo: Postman).

Photos of Japanese woman on the left was taken in 1913. In the picture, a beautiful woman is described as having thin lips wearing kimono with hair styled classic style.
In 1920, Japanese women seem to have a bit more free style. He did not have to wearing her hair and wearing lipstick lips into a small form.
In the photo, he is also seen posing was combing my hair.
Clothes like these in 1913 are considered sexy and profane (Photo: Postman)
Clothes like these in 1913 are considered sexy and profane (Photo: Postman)

Still in the same year, there were two photographs deemed indecent that time. In the left photo, a model of obese appears confident showing off most of her legs.
In contrast to today, at that time most of the model's shapely.
years 1919-1920

Women dressed like left is considered erotic pictures (1920) and the right image shows British artist in 1919 (Photo: Postman).
Women dressed like left is considered erotic pictures (1920) and the right image shows British artist in 1919 (Photo: Postman).

In 1920, the figure of the model have a beautiful picture of its own. In the picture to the left, the woman with a short-sleeved shirt, a thin and loose, and wear a ribbon-accented knee-length stockings, it was considered erotic.
Meanwhile in the photo right shows a British artist named Gertrude 'Gertie' Millar in 1919. Wearing a long dress lace accented equipped with large-sized cap.
By the standards of dress as worn Gertrude, no doubt if the picture of a model on the left is considered erotic in his time.

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