Horoscope or forecast based on the zodiac and the time of birth is contrary to science. But in fact, affect life time of a person's birth.
Hundreds of studies published in various journals have shown that a person's birth month associated with characteristics such as temperament, longevity and susceptibility to certain diseases.
Scientists say that some of these findings may be false, but if you see the fact that there are some things that have compatibility could be a coincidence.
Other effects can be very real and not due to the alignment of the planets, but due to environmental influences during pregnancy and early life.
Here is the effect of season on the health and personality of a person who has been found in several scientific journals, as reported by the LA Times:
1. Winter (December 22-March 20):
The man who was born in this month tend to be obese. David Phillips of the University of Southampton in the UK analyzed the weight of 1,750 British elderly people and found that 13.8% of men who were born in the month of January to March are obese.
Only 9.4% of those born in October through December. but in women, this trend became less pronounced.
Phillips argues that exposure to cold temperatures in early life may trigger the development of fat tissue and the influence of obesity in adulthood. Laboratory research supports this theory.
Rats exposed to cold temperatures before or soon after birth store more energy as fat, even when the temperature is no longer cold.
Research in 2004 against 448 people found that people aged 20-45 years who were born during the winter (October-March) are more likely to have properties like looking for something new, curious, do not like things that are tedious and tend to choose a hobby of diving than Sudoku ,
But when aged over 45 years, people born in the winter are less interested in novelty than those born in the summer. This shows that they are quickly settled.
"Season of birth influences the temperament, but we do not know exactly why. Probably something to do with the levels of serotonin and dopamine, brain chemicals that are important in the formation of personality. Throughout the years, the production of these hormones fluctuate in the mother's body and can affect fetal development. Studies in animals shows the fluctuations caused by changes in day length, "says Lars-Göran Nilsson, a psychologist at the University of Stockholm in Sweden.
Percentage of mental illness in the general population is about 1%, but the people who were born in winter are more prone to experience it.
The observations were published in 1999 in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that people who were born in early March in the northern hemisphere have the possibility of 11% more likely to have schizophrenia than those born at the beginning of June or beginning of December.
But in the hemisphere south of the equator, the pattern is reversed. People born in August and September had the lowest risk for experiencing schizophrenia.
2. Spring (March 22 to June 21)
According to Gerhard Weber, an anthropologist at the University of Vienna, people born in the spring tend to have higher body. He analyzed the measurements made Austrian Federal Army of more than half a million men.
Weber found that the recruitment of men is highest in people who were born in April, and the shortest was born in October.
Although the average difference is quite small (0.2 inch or 0.5 cm), the findings of which were reported in 1998 in the journal Nature, was statistically significant.
Weber in his study speculate that this effect could be due to the concentration of the
hormone melatonin in the body of the mother. This hormone dependent by exposure to light and stimulate growth hormone secretion.
Multiple sclerosis:
Birth of spring has a high risk of multiple sclerosis. The disease is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Research has established that the higher the latitude of the location of a country, the higher the prevalence of multiple sclerosis.
Among the countries of Australia, the risk in the subtropical Queensland five-fold greater than in Tasmania tropical.
A study in 2005 to 17 874 Canadian patients and 11 502 British patients found that those who were born in May had a 23% increased risk of multiple sclerosis than those born in November.
The cause is suspected due to lack of concentration of vitamin D in the mother when the end of the second or third trimester of pregnancy
3. Summer (June 22 to September 22)
Sleep Habits:
The study found that people whose birthday is in June-September prefer staying up than those born in winter.
A survey of 5,720 European students published in 2009 in the journal Sleep shows that people born in August started his 19 minutes slower than average.
The researchers, Vincenzo Natale from the University of Bologna, Italy, found the body's internal clock has been set when the first human was born.
According to Natale, in the summer, abundant sunshine and affect the biological clock maturity. But the tendency to sleep late at night is also strongly influenced by genes.
"If someone has a gene that tends to like to sleep late born during the summer, he would be the type of extreme night. But if he was born in the winter, he will be in the middle," said Natale.
People born in the summer and spring is greater being left-handed.
A study published in 1994 in the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills examined trends among men conscripted lefty French, American baseball player, and from the data collected by the US Census Bureau.
As a result, 41.2% of all left-handed people born in March and July.
Psychology professor Maryanne Martin of the University of Oxford and Gregory Jones from the University of Warwick confirm these results in 1999. They still can not explain why these differences occur.
Factors that might affect is the variation of maternal nutrition during pregnancy, exposure to sunlight, temperature, or seasonal infections during the second trimester of pregnancy.
Children born in the summer are more likely to get diabetes type 1. In this disease, the immune system kills the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin.
In a 1999 study on 1,248 children with diabetes in Sweden published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, children born in August were more likely the disease.
4. Autumn (September 23 to December 21)
The life span:
People born in the fall have likely live to old age. A study in 2011 published in the Journal of Aging Research analyzed birth month 1,574 people who live to be 100 more then compare with his brother.
"Siblings of people who can live to 100 years of age who were born in the month from September to November have a chance of 30% - 50% higher can live up to 100 years compared to those born in March," said the researcher, Leonid Gavrilov of the Center on the demography and Economics of Aging at the University of Chicago.
According to him, various factors can explain this, among others: maternal nutrition during the last months of pregnancy, seasonal infections, the temperature during birth or conception and levels of vitamin D.
Research conducted in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Japan indicate that the risk of higher food allergy found in children born in autumn or winter than those born in the summer.
Allergist, Dr. Milo Vassallo from Brooklyn, NY, saw over 1,000 cases related to acute food allergy reactions in a Boston hospital. He found that the birth of the autumn and winter have the possibility of having a food allergy 53% higher. According to him, it could be due to seasonal fluctuations of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can weaken the immune system.
"Since the source of this vitamin is sunlight and supplements, the risk of allergies depending on where to stay. The latitude of higher and excessive fluctuations in sun exposure causes children born in the fall and winter in Boston a higher risk of allergies compared with children in Los Angeles, "said Dr Vassallo.
Multiple sclerosis:
Birth of spring has a high risk of multiple sclerosis. The disease is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Research has established that the higher the latitude of the location of a country, the higher the prevalence of multiple sclerosis.
Among the countries of Australia, the risk in the subtropical Queensland five-fold greater than in Tasmania tropical.
A study in 2005 to 17 874 Canadian patients and 11 502 British patients found that those who were born in May had a 23% increased risk of multiple sclerosis than those born in November.
The cause is suspected due to lack of concentration of vitamin D in the mother when the end of the second or third trimester of pregnancy
3. Summer (June 22 to September 22)
Sleep Habits:
The study found that people whose birthday is in June-September prefer staying up than those born in winter.
A survey of 5,720 European students published in 2009 in the journal Sleep shows that people born in August started his 19 minutes slower than average.
The researchers, Vincenzo Natale from the University of Bologna, Italy, found the body's internal clock has been set when the first human was born.
According to Natale, in the summer, abundant sunshine and affect the biological clock maturity. But the tendency to sleep late at night is also strongly influenced by genes.
"If someone has a gene that tends to like to sleep late born during the summer, he would be the type of extreme night. But if he was born in the winter, he will be in the middle," said Natale.
People born in the summer and spring is greater being left-handed.
A study published in 1994 in the journal Perceptual and Motor Skills examined trends among men conscripted lefty French, American baseball player, and from the data collected by the US Census Bureau.
As a result, 41.2% of all left-handed people born in March and July.
Psychology professor Maryanne Martin of the University of Oxford and Gregory Jones from the University of Warwick confirm these results in 1999. They still can not explain why these differences occur.
Factors that might affect is the variation of maternal nutrition during pregnancy, exposure to sunlight, temperature, or seasonal infections during the second trimester of pregnancy.
Children born in the summer are more likely to get diabetes type 1. In this disease, the immune system kills the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin.
In a 1999 study on 1,248 children with diabetes in Sweden published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, children born in August were more likely the disease.
4. Autumn (September 23 to December 21)
The life span:
People born in the fall have likely live to old age. A study in 2011 published in the Journal of Aging Research analyzed birth month 1,574 people who live to be 100 more then compare with his brother.
"Siblings of people who can live to 100 years of age who were born in the month from September to November have a chance of 30% - 50% higher can live up to 100 years compared to those born in March," said the researcher, Leonid Gavrilov of the Center on the demography and Economics of Aging at the University of Chicago.
According to him, various factors can explain this, among others: maternal nutrition during the last months of pregnancy, seasonal infections, the temperature during birth or conception and levels of vitamin D.
Research conducted in Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Japan indicate that the risk of higher food allergy found in children born in autumn or winter than those born in the summer.
Allergist, Dr. Milo Vassallo from Brooklyn, NY, saw over 1,000 cases related to acute food allergy reactions in a Boston hospital. He found that the birth of the autumn and winter have the possibility of having a food allergy 53% higher. According to him, it could be due to seasonal fluctuations of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can weaken the immune system.
"Since the source of this vitamin is sunlight and supplements, the risk of allergies depending on where to stay. The latitude of higher and excessive fluctuations in sun exposure causes children born in the fall and winter in Boston a higher risk of allergies compared with children in Los Angeles, "said Dr Vassallo.
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