Strange But True, Bull Named Diamond Got The Horn in his head like a unicorn

 Typically, several mammals such as bison, buffalo, cow or goat will have two horns on his head. However, apparently recently returned digemparkan world with the discovery of a bull that only has a single horn on its head. Well, very strange huh? But make no mistake Ladies, this is a real story at the same discoveries.

As quoted from page, bull horn which has only one has the name of Diamond. He is one of the unique bull that comes from Brazil and was treated by a farmer there. Horn that grows on the head Diamond precisely in the forehead, between
the eyes is arguably grow very well and fast. In fact, the horn was very large and healthy. Although only had a single horn on its head, during this Diamond grow well and healthy.

When he was born, Diamond also born naturally and grow in a natural way as well. But, after the picture is widespread in cyberspace, Diamond said to be the incarnation of the legendary animal Unicorn. Unicorn is a unicorns. Yes, although this one horned bull is a phenomenon that is quite strange and unique, this phenomenon is not a phenomenon that is the first time this has happened. Previously, there was a tuna fish which also has a single horn on its head was accidentally caught on fishing near Ospery Reef, in the Coral Sea, Queensland waters.

Even ni ya, a scientist named Dr. WF Dove, known to have spent a lot of time to create and examine a variety of animals such as cows, goats and bulls so that the animals can have a single horn on its head.

Mmm, how ya if according Ladies will this phenomenon? Have you come across rare animals, unique or bizarre as this?

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