Is this the Patriarchs butterfly Present?

Washington, DC - A large animal like a butterfly, known by the name of Kalligrammatid have become extinct 120 million years. These animals used to fly in the forests of ferns and palms in the early Mesozoic era.

However, quoted, scientists at the National Museum of Natural History reveals that the ancient flying animals in many ways is similar to a butterfly today.

Through the study of taxonomy, anatomy and geochemistry, scientists under the leadership of Conrad Labandeira revealed that Kalligrammatid seedman suspected to be important during the middle period of the Mesozoic using mouth parts are very similar to the structure of the 'trunk' butterfly today.

Not only that, the ancient animal wing also has a pattern similar to the eye point patterns in butterflies now. The pattern of eye point that helped deceive predators.

On 3 February, Labandeira report in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The finding is a clear example of convergent evolution between the two lineages that are not related, in which two groups of organisms raises the same characteristics in response to things similar in their neighborhood.

Biologists have known in the ancient past 100 that Kalligrammatid winged animals that live in Eurasia during the Mesozoic period, but remained vague until the discovery of a fossil preserved in northeast China.

Because the least exposure to the oxygen in the area during the mid-Jurassic to early Cretaceous, fossil preserved it still has most of its original structure.

Labandeira start by making an example image analysis using fluorescent camera. Projection tool that allows artists to track subtle parts such as the head and mouth parts of insects while viewing it under a microscope.

The result? The animal's mouth like a long suction pipe which is used to suck liquid from an open seed breeding structure (gymnosperms) in plants.

Sucking snacks 'kind'

The assumption is reinforced by the analysis of the material that is in the 'straws' one fossil turned out to contain only carbon. If suck the blood, surely the dregs in the straw contains iron.

Although the 'straw' that animal similar to a butterfly now, no flower honey producers in the Mesozoic era.

Experts ancient plants Indiana University named David Dilcher which is a member of the team said that as other Mesozoic insects, Kalligrammatids allegedly consuming sugary powder granules produced by seed plants simultaneously move pollen between parts of male and female plants.

There is a group of plants that are already extinct bercorong bennettitalean and is suspected to be the main source of food Kalligrammatids. However, different forms of 'straws', fossils leads to the suspicion of more trees the insect food source.

Careful observation revealed the presence of scales on the wings and parts of the mouth, similar to the modern butterfly. The scales were suspected to contain a pigment that gives colorful and lively.

Based on the similarity between the pattern of the wings and a butterfly colorful present, Labandeira said that Kalligrammatids may be decorated with a red or orange.

Ancient winged insects thin is closely once with a modern butterfly. (Source Jorge Santiago-Blay via Smithsonian)
The findings inspire a team to examine the chemical makeup of a number of parts of the wings Kalligrammatid, especially the pattern of eye point.

In modern butterfly, the center point of the dark color is formed by melanin pigment content. Chemical analysis showed that the Kalligrammatids sensitive manner also has the eye point with melanin content.

"This makes us conclude that the two groups of insects have shared the same genetic program to generate eye point on the wing. The most recent common ancestor for the insects that lived about 320 million years ago, in the Paleozoic era. So we suspect that this is the mechanism of the development that took place since the beginning of the winged insects. "

The team's findings highlight two ways in which the relationship of plants and species penyemainya landlady ushered evolution, Dilcher said.

"In this case, there is coevolution between plants and animals because they eat a meal of behavior, and we look at the evolution of winged animals thin along with their predators. This is the networking life much more complicated. "

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