Gen It Determines Intelligence Someone?

The gene that is responsible for determining the intelligence had been found. Scientists believe that these genes can be manipulated to improve brain power.
Researchers have long believed that a person's intelligence was inherited. From the results of the study showed that 75 percent of a person's IQ is determined by genetic factors, and the rest by environmental factors such as education and social person.
But until now, not one is able to tell you exactly which genes are responsible for memory, concentration, processing speed or reasoning abilities of a person.
However, as quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (07/01/2016), Imperial College London have discovered two gene networks are considered to determine whether someone would be so intelligent or not. They analogize this gene network as a football team.
Here's the explanation: when all the players are installed in the proper position, the brain function optimally seen to result in clarity of mind and what he perceived as the dexterity of thought or intelligence. However, if this gene is mutated or sequences in one, which happens to be bluntness think, even serious cognitive disorder.
Scientists believe that there is a 'main switch' that regulates the entire network. If you can find it, they believe it could 'switch on' the intelligence of everyone.
"We know that genetic factors have an important role in terms of kecerdasanan, but until now not known which genes are associated (with it)," said Dr. Michael Johnson, the lead researcher from the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College.
"This study highlights some of the genes involved in human intelligence, and how they interact with each other."
"Interestingly, the gene that we found is likely to have common settings, which means we can manipulate a whole series of genes whose activity was associated with human intelligence."
"Our research indicates that may have been working on these genes, to modify the intelligence. But it has a theoretical possibility at the moment - we are just starting out just the first step on that road," added Dr. Johnson again.
In a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the research team mememeriksa human brain samples from patients undergoing neurosurgery for epilepsy. They analyzed thousands of genes in the human brain, then combine the results with genetic information from healthy individuals who were tested for IQ, as well as from people with neurological disorders - such as autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.
The researchers performed computational analyzes and comparison to identify a network of genes that influence the cognitive abilities of a healthy person. They found that genes influence intelligence healthy person also is the same gene that causes epilepsy disorders and cognitive abilities when mutated - the network which they called M1 and M3.
"The nature of intelligence is governed by a large group of genes that work together - like a football team consisting of players in different positions," explained again by Dr. Johnson.
"We used computer analysis to identify the genes in the human brain that work together to affect our cognitive ability to create new memories or a sensible decision, when faced with complex information very much."
We found that some of these genes overlap with genes that cause epileptic seizures in children or interruption of intelligence. This study shows how we can use large genomic datasets to uncover new paths to the work function of the human brain when sick or healthy.
In the end, we hope that this kind of analysis can provide new clues for better treatment for neurodevelopmental diseases such as epilepsy, as well as repairing or treating cognitive impairment associated with this devastating disease.
Earlier this year, a team from King's College London found that up to 65 percent of the difference value GCSE pupils are due to genetic factors, after analyzing data from 12,500 twins.
The team found that all the test results of children is largely determined by genetic factors are inherited, with the proportion of 54 to 65 percent.
Earlier, intelligence is considered determined by the shape of the cerebral cortex, the outer portion of the human brain which is also known as 'gray matter.' It plays a major role in terms of memory, perceptual awareness, thought and language.
Instead environmental factors as well as home and school environment contributes only about 14 to 21 percent. The rest of a person is determined by external influences such as illness, or association.
The author of the report, Professor Robert Plomin, believe that children should be genetically screened at the age of 4 years so that the curriculum can be tailor made to suit their needs.
"An understanding of the specific genetic factors and environmental factors that influence a person's diversity in educational attainment - and the complex interaction between these factors - can help educators to develop a personal learning program that is effective, to help each child reach their potential at the end of compulsory learning, "explained Prof. Plomin.
However, other genetic experts have warned that awarded the intelligent network of genes does not necessarily guarantee success.
"Genetics is the science of inheritance, not fate, and there is no substitute for hard work and perseverance," explains Professor of Genetics at the University of Kent, Darren Griffin.

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