For 40 Years, Doll's Often Back When Removed


 Hearing the word ghost dolls, we must remember that a Chucky film, Anabelle, or Robert, who do have a history that is quite creepy. But not they alone, dolls that have horror stories.
There is also a doll named Sadi, was first owned by a woman named Welch. And as an adult, trying to remove the doll. This is where the strangeness begins, where the doll is always returned home.

For 40 years, Welch family living in Queensland to try to remove the doll. Yet somehow, these dolls have always come back to the house, whether it is in the yard, a house, even a
closet, and the last he threw it away and be back in the closet.

Maybe this is very similar to the story of Chucky doll, which always return to its owner, and tried to kill him. But in contrast, where the doll Sadi just returned home without any movement.

Sadi itself bought by Welch's mother as a birthday present, in a toy store in Biloela, in central Queensland 40 years ago. And now, Sadi was comfortable in the living room, where he was placed in a chair.

Doll that looks like an ordinary doll is really not so scary, but strange things always happen to make it as possessed by spirits.

Even the family dog ​​owned Welch, always barking, when approaching these dolls. However, the family did not believe in ghosts, may be the return of the doll house by chance alone.

What do you think? Weird or creepy?

via Daily Mail

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