Findings Mystery Tomb of Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in Hungary

Budapest - Archaeologists discovered the rest of the tomb of Suleiman I, or also known by the name of Suleiman The Magneficent, from the Ottoman Empire who died in 1566 when he and his soldiers are fighting in southern Hungary Szigetvar. It was raised by historians, Nobert Pap from the University of Pecs.
According to Pecs, the tomb was built not far from the tent Suleiman as he led the battle then fell ill and died. The discovery came as the archaeological team was exploring the possibility of a historic site, they found the graves and evidence of the Sultan, known by the name of Kanuni it.
"We have data that refer to the same point," said Pap in the presentation of the latest findings. as quoted by The Guardian.
Until his death at the age of 71 years, the longest sultan Suleiman is the Ottoman Empire. Under his rule, Turkey dominates power to the Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa during the 46-year rule.
What is believed to be the tomb is located in the former sultan of the Ottoman settlement Turbek, which was destroyed in the 1680s. The discovery of the settlement was announced by Pap
Historians believe Suleiman heart and organs are buried in the tomb and his body was brought back to Constantinople or now known as Istanbul.
Szigetvar his death was kept secret for 48 days, to prevent troops surrender.
Szigetvar maintained by the locals led by nobles Croatian-Hungarian Miklos Zrinyi. The siege of the city was pyrrhic from the Turks. As a result, they fail to enter Vienna although it has fought for decades.
Pap says several other structures near the tomb, still underground, the chances are it is a small mosque and a dervish convent. He said the excavation work at the site will begin again in April 2016.
Suleiman was the Sultan of the Ottoman Turkish empire or Ottoman Empire 10th.
Men born 6 November 1494 it was in power since 30 September 1520 up to 1566. In total, he ruled the Ottoman Turks or Ottoman Kesultan for 46 years.
Suleiman is well known for its achievements in the preparation of the Ottoman legal system. He is also great for being able to conquer many regions in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
In the 16th century, Suleiman is one of the important figures in Europe. Under his leadership, the Turkish Ottoman or control of important areas of the world, such as the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.
Under his leadership Similarly, Ottomans launched a reform of the legislative related to society, education, taxation and criminal law.
Suleiman is a huge cultural patron. Under his control, the Ottomans experienced a period of heyday in the fields of art, literature and architecture.
He himself was very clever in the field of poetry and smart to make gold. Suleiman also smart in the field of language, he is adept Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Serbian, Chagatai and Persian.

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