5 Extreme Food in the World You Should Know

                                                                                                                                                                    All countries would have a characteristic in each serving culinary. The characteristic may be provided for the travelers that the food served to make people become curious and want to eat it. Not unreasonable to make tourists think that with the typical culinary certainly have a taste of different countries.
Even so, there is certainly also travelers who want to taste the food and the odd extreme in the country. They also consider the present unusual materials or materials that may seem odd, then the food would be hunted by many others. Here we will present information including a 5 extreme foods in the world, as reported by the website of viva.co.id


The food can be found in the country of Scotland. The food is a traditional dish in the country. Haggis is made from material heart, liver, and lungs were cut into small pieces and mixed with oatmeal ingredients, spices and onion.

After all was added, then the organs like lungs, heart, liver and then put into a sheep's stomach. The sheep's stomach and boiled closed meeting. After the mature sheep's stomach, then the sheep's stomach sliced ​​into small pieces. For travelers who are difficult to eat, haggis also provide food in the form of canned. Scottish people also assume that haggis more delicious when eaten with whiskey.

Asadachi (frog sashimi)

Maybe you think, like Japanese food sashimi made from materials shrimp, octopus, tuna, and salmon. However, in Japan there is also a sashimi made from toad. When you order this kind of sashimi, the chef will quickly slicing body frog alive and take heart from the body. The goal was to be sure that serve the heart is still beating the frog to the visitors. Not only are the heart, the visitors can also enjoy the frog meat is raw and can be enjoyed when mixed with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

blood pudding

Food is made from blood are things that are considered normal for some of the countries of Asia and Europe. From here you know, blood pudding pudding here is made from the blood of pigs. Specifically in the UK and Ireland, as this dish is delicious when eaten with potatoes, toast, sausage, tomato, and egg. If in Taiwan, they mix with the ingredients cilantro, beans, and rice pudding as stuffing blood


What is Vegemite? Vegemite itself is jam that has the texture of a thick and black. Vegemite is generally consumed by the people of Australia. They usually use butter to eat toast. Vegemite is made from yeast material, and I know that this vegemite was first created in 1920 ago. Because it is salty, many people Australia mencapurkan material to the pie and hot dogs.


Akutaq an ice cream that is owned by the community eskimo. Akutaq had actually been there in many years ago. Akutaq own terms because the ice cream is made from fatty substances deer. Akutaq uniqueness of this is the mixture of other materials such as salmon eggs, fish and berries. Food is also almost the same with the other ice cream, which forms a creamy.

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